All BMC Remedy AR Server messages with detailed description and developers comments.
Show/Hide menuDescription:
active link: AP:Admin-SS-MessageForDefaultLogFile
Since the Log File Name field is not specified, the default file location and file name will be used for logging.
active link: AP:Pending Approvals - ShowSummaryOnHover2
active link: AP:PreviewInfo:CheckFormNameForMultiPreview
Please enter the application form name
active link: AP:PreviewInfo:CheckSearchCriteriaProcess
Please specify the Approval process name for search.
active link: AP:PreviewInfo:CheckSearchCriteriaRequest Number
Please specify the Approval Request number for search.
active link: AP:Process-ValidateAdhocOnModify
Ad hoc form can not be null if the Ad hoc Setting is "User Defined"
active link: AP:Process-ValidateAdhocOnSave
Ad hoc form can not be null if the Ad hoc Setting is "User Defined"
active link: AP:Show-Detail-AuthenticationErrorOnAdhoc
Authentication failed.
active link: AP:Show-Detail-AuthenticationErrorOnReassign
Authentication failed.
active link: AP:Show-Detail-PushCommentToBase3
One / All of the required input is not available. Please verify.
active link: AP:Show-Detail-PushQuestionToBase3
Can not add question with request status "More Information" OR the required input is not provided
active link: APR:AVA:ButtonModify
Field value pair is missing.
active link: APR:AVA:OpenFieldValuePairForAdd
Missing id of InstanceID.
active link: APR:AVA:RemoveFieldValue
Choose an item to delete.
active link: AR System Administration: Server Information:View Log1
Cannot add attachment $16354$
active link: AR System Email Failover Mail Server Configuration: ValidationMailServerName
The 'Mail Server' field value can not be the same as 'Failover Mail Server' field
active link: AR System Email User Intruction Templates On Save
Required field (without a default) not specified : "Template Name"
active link: AR System Licenses Console: AddRemLic-On Import License Button-Import Attach2
Import done.
active link: AR System Licenses Console:Show Attachment
License usage file does not exist
active link: AR System Skins Color Picker: OnOK
Please choose a color
active link: AR System Skins Properties: OnOK
Please enter values for all the fields
active link: AR System Skins Properties: ValidateColor
Invalid color value specified. Please enter a valid hexadecimal color value starting with "#".
active link: AR System Skins: Error on Open with WUT
Please use the web client to create AR System Skin
active link: AR System Skins: Show Type Identifier Help
<tr><td>Application</td><td>Name of Application</td></tr> <tr><td>Server</td><td>Name of Server</td></tr> </table> </html>
active link: AR System Web Services Registry - AddCategory
Required Fields not specified
active link: AR System Web Services Registry - ModifyCategory
Registry entries meant for registration can have categories
active link: ARSystemUserPrefCustomCheck
Supply Custom Date and Custom Time Format
active link: ARSystemUserPrefCustomCheckWUT
Supply Custom Time Format
active link: ARSystemUserPrefNumItemsCheck
Supply How Many Items Returned
active link: ASI:ADV:AdvancedSearchOnRtnSearchLevelManufactName_012_E
There are no Manufacturers that match the search criteria.
active link: ASI:ADV:AdvancedSelectSearchLevelProdName_102_E
There are no Products or Product Aliases that match the search criteria.
active link: ASI:ADV:OnRtnManufactName_012_E
There are no Manufacturers that match the search criteria.
active link: ASI:ANG:AddSettings_002
You can only have one entry in this form.
active link: ASI:ANG:Sandbox_Enable_SetToNo_001
active link: AST:AHF:HoverField_100_OpenSoftwareToolTip
active link: AST:ALC:Certificate_001_Reminders
To create or display reminders, switch to Modify mode.
active link: AST:ALC:ModifyCertificate_450_Categorization_ConfirmNo
The Certificate was not modified.
active link: AST:ALC:ModifyCertificate_450_ConfirmNo
The Certificate was not modified.
active link: AST:ALC:UngroupSelected_150_Master-E
You cannot remove the Master Certificate from the group.
active link: AST:APU:RelatePLI_200_Duplicate-E
The Line Item selected has already been related to a certificate. Please choose a different line item.
active link: AST:ARM:CI_000_ToolTip
active link: AST:ARP:Requisition_000_ToolTip
active link: AST:LCU:NextPage_CheckCreateorRelate
Please ensure the Upgrade License information is filled in.
active link: AST:LCU:NextPage_validation_SelectedForUpgrade
Please select licenses for upgrade.
active link: AST:LCU:RefreshChildProductTable_ValidateUpgrade
This combination already covered
active link: AST:LCU:Save_StartUpgrade_Single
Following upgraded certificate(s) have been created. $1000000067$
active link: AST:LTC:Page3_100_RemoveFieldMapping_CheckSelected
Please select a mapping to delete.
active link: AST:SAM:CI_ToolTip
active link: AST:SAM:Certificate_ToolTip
active link: AST:SAM:Contract_ExploreCI_010_NoSelection
Please select an entry in the CI Related table
active link: AST:SAM:Contract_RelatedServices_010_NoSelection
Please select an entry in the CI Related table
active link: AST:SAM:Contract_ViewCIRelated_010_NoSelection
Please select an entry in the CI Related table
active link: AST:SAM:OpenDialog_SoftwareUsage_010_NoSelection
Please select an entry in the certificate table
active link: AST:SAM:PrintCurrent_Certificates_000
Please select a Certificate and press the Print Button
active link: AST:SHR:Contract_LockDown-010_NoCreateAccess
You must belong to the 'Contract Admin' permission group in order to be able to create Contracts. You can access it in either Search or Modify modes.
active link: AST:SHR:HoverField_100_OpenAssetListToolTip
active link: AST:SHR:HoverField_100_OpenContractToolTip
active link: AST:SHR:HoverField_100_OpenProcurementToolTip
active link: AST:SSP:RelateItem_080_CheckMasterContractRelations
A contract cannot be related to itself. Please select another one.
active link: AST:SSP:RelateTableCertificate_091
The Selected Certificate cannot be related to this record as a relationship already exists. Please choose a different certificate.
active link: AST:SSP:ShowDetails_000_Certificate
Select a certificate in the table to view its details.
active link: Business Time Segment-OnDisp_LockFieldsOnReocurring_Published_002
active link: Business Time Segment-OnSubmit-CheckOffset
Invalid Offset specified. Please specify Offset in the range of (-12 to +12).
active link: Business Time Segment-OnSubmit-CheckOffsetAndTimezone
Cannot specify Offset and Timezone at the same time.
active link: Business Time Segment-cmdSave_CheckRecurringMonthly
by selecting the Monthly Recurrence Type radio button.
active link: Business Time Segment-cmdSave_CheckRecurringWeeklyDaySelected
selecting the Weekly Recurrence Type radio button.
active link: Business Time Segment-cmdSave_CheckRecurringYearly
selecting the Yearly Recurrence Type radio button.
active link: Business Time Segment-cmdSave_NewWithAssoc
Business Time Segment created.
active link: Business Time Segment-cmdSave_SaveModify
Business Time Segment saved.
active link: CAI:PLG:Save_CreateEntryOnForm_Submit
Plugin Registry saved.
active link: CFG:CHB:HoverField_100_OpenBroadcastToolTip
active link: CFG:StandardConsole:CheckPermission
and try again.
active link: CHG:CCA:HoverField_100_OpenToolTip
active link: CHG:CCA:ViewBy_130_NullValue_E
You can not clear this field.
active link: CHG:CCMCalendar:ShowServiceCITooltip
active link: CHG:CCX:HoverField_100_OpenToolTip
active link: CHG:CNX:HoverField_ChgCoordinator
active link: CHG:CNX:HoverField_ChgLocation
active link: CHG:CNX:HoverField_ChgManager
active link: CHG:CNX:HoverField_CoordinatorGroupInfo
active link: CHG:CNX:HoverField_ManagerGroupInfo
active link: CHG:CNX:HoverTable_100_WorkInfo
active link: CHG:CRQ:HoverField_ChgCoordinator
active link: CHG:CRQ:HoverField_ChgLocation
active link: CHG:CRQ:HoverField_ChgManager
active link: CHG:CRQ:HoverField_CoordinatorGroupInfo
active link: CHG:CRQ:HoverField_ManagerGroupInfo
active link: CHG:CRQ:HoverTable_100_WorkInfo
active link: CHG:ServiceCI_ValidateServiceCI_1
No Service is found with the value entered. Please enter valid Service name.
active link: CHG:ServiceCI_ValidateServiceCI_2
No Service is found with the value entered. Please enter valid Service name.
active link: CHG:ServiceCI_ValidateServiceCI_OnViewDetail_1
No Service is found with the value entered. Please enter valid Service name.
active link: CHG:ServiceCI_ValidateServiceCI_OnViewDetail_2
No Service is found with the value entered. Please enter valid Service name.
active link: CHP: reset
about to update UI state. 2_2 V is $80060$
active link: CHP:ConfigureEntryInLayout2
Entry already exist.
active link: CMDB:FedMgr-OnFedInterfaceBtn_Save
Please fill in the required fields
active link: CMDB:FedMgr-OnFedLinkBtn_Save
Please fill in the required fields
active link: CMDB:FedMgr-OnFedProductBtn_Save
Enter all Required fields
active link: CTR:CCC:ContractRelated_000_ToolTip
active link: CTR:CCC:Contract_000_ToolTip
active link: CTR:CCC:Contract_100_ShowWorkInfo_CI_E
Please select a related CI to view the work info
active link: CTR:CCC:Contract_100_ShowWorkInfo_RelatedItems_E
Please select a related Contract to view the work info
active link: CTR:CCC:Contract_CI_000_ToolTip
active link: CTR:CCC:Contract_Detail_CreateContract_010_NoSelection
Please select a contract type from the menu
active link: CTR:CCC:Contract_ExploreCI_010_NoSelection
Please select an entry in the Related CI table
active link: CTR:CCC:Contract_RelatedServices_010_NoSelection
Please select an entry in the Related CI table
active link: CTR:CCC:Contract_ViewCI_010_NoSelection
Please select an entry in the Related CI table
active link: CTR:CCC:Contract_ViewContract_010_NoSelection
Please select an entry in the contract table
active link: CTR:CCC:Contract_ViewRelatedContract_010_NoSelection
Please select an entry in the related contract table
active link: CTR:CCC:WL-RelatedCI_CreateActivity_090_OpenDialog-E
To create a Work Info entry, select an entry from the Related CIs table and click the Create button again.
active link: CTR:CCC:WL-RelatedContract_CreateActivity_090_OpenDialog-E
To create a Work Info entry, select an entry from the Related Contracts table and click the Create button again.
active link: EIE:AM-ClickOpenButton07
Please select a Data Mapping from the above table.
active link: EIE:ARDM-ShowHelp
No Help Avaiable for this Topic.
active link: EIE:CD-ClickExportButton
Export completed.
active link: EIE:CD-ClickExportButton
Please enter a Directory Path
active link: EIE:CD-ETS-ExportClicked-00
Please enter all mandatory fields.
active link: EIE:CD-ETS-ExportClicked-20
Please select at least one DataExchange.
active link: EIE:CD-ETS-GetResultsClicked-10
Export in progress.
active link: EIE:CD-ETS-GetResultsClicked-10
Export completed.
active link: EIE:CD-I_ClickSaveButton02
Instance Name "$536870934$" already exists. Please specify a different Instance Name.
active link: EIE:CD-I_ClickSaveButton03
Please select an entry from the above table and enter values for Instance Name and Unicode
active link: EIE:CD-I_CreateInstance00
Instance name can not be blank.
active link: EIE:CD-I_CreateInstance02
Length of Instance name exceeds the allocated length (80).
active link: EIE:CD-I_CreateInstance03
active link: EIE:CD-I_DeleteInstanceClicked-20
Please select at least one Instance.
active link: EIE:CD-I_DeleteInstanceClicked-30
active link: EIE:CD-I_StartInstanceClicked-20
Please select at least one Instance.
active link: EIE:CD-I_StartInstanceClicked-30
active link: EIE:CD-I_StopInstanceClicked-20
Please select at least one Instance.
active link: EIE:CD-I_StopInstanceClicked-30
active link: EIE:CDE-DEClickYes01
Data Exchange with the name $536870913$ already exists. Please enter a new name for this Data Exchange.
active link: EIE:CDE-DEClickYes02
New Data Exchange Name cannot be NULL. Please enter a new name for $536870913$ Data Exchange.
active link: EIE:CDE-DMClickYes01
Data Mapping with the name $536870915$ already exists. Please enter a new name for this Data Mapping.
active link: EIE:CDE-DMClickYes02
New Data Mapping Name cannot be NULL. Please enter a new name for $536870915$ Data Mapping.
active link: EIE:CDE_ClickCopyButton0
Can not create Data Exchange with Special Characters [<, >, :, ", /, , ?, | , *]
active link: EIE:CDM-ValidateDatasetID02
DatasetId cannot be NULL. Please specify a valid DatasetId.
active link: EIE:CDMC-ClickSaveButton02
DatasetId cannot be NULL. Please specify a valid DatasetId.
active link: EIE:CDMC-DataCreateButton01
Please enter values for AR System Form Fields and Rules, Vendor Fields and Rules and Enable.
active link: EIE:CDMC-DataCreateButton02
Duplicate entry for the Field Mapping rules. Please enter different values for AR System Form Fields and Rules and Vendor Fields and Rules.
active link: EIE:CDMC-DataDeleteButton
Select an entry to delete.
active link: EIE:CDMC-DataModifyButton
Please select an entry to modify.
active link: EIE:CDMC-DelDeleteButton02
Select an entry to delete.
active link: EIE:CDMC-DeleteCreateButton2
Enter name of field to be updated.
active link: EIE:CDMC-DeleteCreateButton3
Please enter values for Field Name, Data Rule, and Enable fields.
active link: EIE:CDMC-DeleteCreateButton4
Duplicate entry for the Delete Row rules. Please enter different values for Target Fields and Data Values and Rules.
active link: EIE:CDMC-DeleteSaveButton02
Please enter values for Target Field Name, Data Rule, and Enable fields.
active link: EIE:CDMC-DeleteSaveButton03
Duplicate entry for the Delete Mapping rules. Please enter different values for Target Rules and Data Values.
active link: EIE:CDMC-KeyCreateButton01
Please enter values for CMDB Class Fields and Rules, Vendor Fields and Rules and Enable.
active link: EIE:CDMC-KeyCreateButton02
Duplicate entry for the Key Field Mapping rules. Please enter different values for AR System Form Fields and Rules and Vendor Fields and Rules.
active link: EIE:CDMC-KeyDeleteButton
Select an entry to delete.
active link: EIE:CDMC-KeyModifyButton
Selected an entry to modify.
active link: EIE:CDMC-ResCreateButton01
Please enter values for AR System Form Fields and Rules, Vendor Fields, and Enable.
active link: EIE:CDMC-ResCreateButton02
Duplicate entry for the Field Mapping rules. Please enter different values for AR System Form Fields and Rules and Vendor Fields and Rules.
active link: EIE:CDMC-ResDeleteButton
Select an entry to delete.
active link: EIE:CDMC-ResModifyButton
Selected an entry to modify.
active link: EIE:ConfirmInstanceDelete00
Select an Instance to delete.
active link: EIE:DE-ActiveOption
Set Active state to either Yes or No.
active link: EIE:DE-AddTimeofDay01
Please fill in values for both Weekdays and Time of Day field.
active link: EIE:DE-AddTimeofDay02
$536871023$ has already been added, please select a different Weekday and Time of Day combination.
active link: EIE:DE-AddTriggerDE2
Main Exchange cannot be set as triggered Exchange
active link: EIE:DE-AddUpdate01
The Param Field must not be blank.
active link: EIE:DE-AddUpdate02
Please select Param Name from the pull-down menu.
active link: EIE:DE-CMDBRelAddButton03
Cannot select more than one Mapping. Please remove the selected mapping to add a new one.
active link: EIE:DE-ClickGetConnStatusButon01
AIE process is busy verifying the Data Store Connection.
active link: EIE:DE-ClickGetConnStatusButon02
active link: EIE:DE-ClickUnicodeFlag
The settings for the Unicode cannot be changed or modified. To change / modify this setting, please Click on Language Setting Button.
active link: EIE:DE-OpenFMButton01
Please select a Mapping to open.
active link: EIE:DE-ShowDeltaOptMsgBox
With Delete option selected, Retrieve Only Delta feature will not be available
active link: EIE:DE-Submit02
$8$ already exists. Please enter a unique Data Exchange Name.
active link: EIE:DE-ValidateDirForRelMapping
Cannot select CMDB Data into Vendor as Direction for this Exchange.
active link: EIE:DE-ValidateDirectionForRelMapping
Cannot use this Direction for Relationship Mappings.
active link: EIE:DE-ValidateDirectionForSMS
Cannot create DataExchange.SMS as a Source is always Read Only.
active link: EIE:DM-CMDBCreateDataMapping01
Please enter values for AR System Form Fields and Rules, Vendor Fields and Rules and Enable.
active link: EIE:DM-CMDBCreateDataMapping02
Data Mapping $8$ already exists. Please enter a unique Data Mapping Name.
active link: EIE:DM-CMDBDataKeyQueryVend02ClickRule
No rule syntax has been defined by the Vendor Application
active link: EIE:DM-CMDBRELClassValidateModifyButton
Please enter the values for both the Keys.
active link: EIE:DM-CMDBRELValidateModifyButton
Please enter the values for both the Keys.
active link: EIE:DM-CMDBValidateDirectionForSMS
Cannot create DataMapping.SMS as a Source is always Read Only.
active link: EIE:DM-CMDBValidateHistAndCRCFields
Please Enter Values for History and CRC Fields.
active link: EIE:DM-CreateDataMapping02
Data Mapping $8$ already exists. Please enter a unique Data Mapping Name.
active link: EIE:FI-GenerateFid03
outside the Remedy reserved range.
active link: EIE:InstanceCreate-03
Select an Instance.
active link: EIE:MI-ARDataUpdate
Select either Yes or No for 'Update record only if checksum for mapped field has changed' option.
active link: EIE:MI-ARForm_ClickCreateButton001
File name should not contain extension.
active link: EIE:MI-ARForm_ClickCreateButton01
Please enter the values for all the mandatory fields.
active link: EIE:MI-ARForm_ClickCreateButton03
Data Mapping Name cannot be empty. Please enter a valid Data Mapping Name
active link: EIE:MI-ARForm_ClickCreateButton05
Data Mapping with the name "$536870990$" already exists. Please enter a different name for Data Mapping.
active link: EIE:MI-ARForm_ClickCreateButton12
ta Mapping.
active link: EIE:MI-ARHistOption
Select either Yes or No for 'Maintain change history for fields' option.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_ClickSaveButton00
Please enter the values for all the mandatory fields.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_ClickSaveButton04
History Value Field cannot be NULL. Please select a value from the dropdown or select No inside the Radio Button.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_ClickSaveButton05
Check Digit Field cannot be NULL. Please select a value from the dropdown or select No inside the Radio Button.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_ClickSaveButton06
Delta Field cannot be NULL. Please select a value from the dropdown or select No inside the Radio Button.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_DKM_ClickAddButton01
Please select $536871000$ and External Data Store.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_DKM_ClickAddButton02
An entry with these Field already exists.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_DKM_ClickAddButton04
Target Attribute "$460030039$" cannot be mapped more than once. Please select another Attribute for the mapping.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_DKM_ClickAddButton06
Target Attribute "$460030040$" cannot be mapped more than once. Please select another Attribute for the mapping.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_DKM_ClickDeleteButton01
Please select an entry from Mapped Fields/Attributes table to delete.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_DKM_ClickModifyButton01
Please select an entry from the Mapped Fields/Attributes table, to modify.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_DelKM_ClickAddButton01
Please select a AR Field from the available table.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_DelKM_ClickAddButton02
Please select a Data Source Fields from the available table.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_DelKM_ClickAddButton05
An entry with these field already exists.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_DelKM_ClickAddButton07
Target Attribute "$460030101$" cannot be mapped more than once. Please select another Attribute for the mapping.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_DelKM_ClickDeleteButton01
Please select an entry from Mapped fields table, to delete.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_DelKM_ClickModifyButton01
Please select an entry from the Mapped Attributes table, to modify.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_PKM_ClickAddButton01
Please select $536871000$ and External Data Store.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_PKM_ClickAddButton03
An entry with these Field already exists.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_PKM_ClickAddButton05
Target Attribute "$460030018$ " cannot be mapped more than once. Please select another Attribute for the mapping.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_PKM_ClickAddButton07
Target Attribute "$460030019$ " cannot be mapped more than once. Please select another Attribute for the mapping.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_PKM_ClickDeleteButton01
Please select an entry from Mapped Fields table, to delete.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_RKM_ClickAddButton01
Please select fields for AR Form and External Data Store.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_RKM_ClickAddButton02
An entry with these Field already exists.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_RKM_ClickAddButton04
Target Attribute "$460030066$" cannot be mapped more than once. Please select another Atribute for the mapping.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_RKM_ClickAddButton06
Target Attribute "$460030067$" cannot be mapped more than once. Please select another Atribute for the mapping.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_RKM_ClickDeleteButton01
Please select an entry from Mapped Fields table to delete.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_RKM_ClickModifyButton01
Please select an entry from the Mapped Fields table, to modify.
active link: EIE:MI-ARView_ShowHelp
No Help Avaiable for this Topic.
active link: EIE:MI-BlankData
Select As it is or NULL value for 'If a field contains only blanks' option.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_ClickCreateButton001
File name should not contain extension.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_ClickCreateButton01
Please enter the values for all the mandatory fields.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_ClickCreateButton03
Data Mapping Name cannot be empty. Please enter a valid Data Mapping Name
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_ClickCreateButton05
Data Mapping with the name "$536870990$" already exists. Please enter a different name for Data Mapping.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_ClickCreateButton12
ta Mapping.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_ClickSaveButton00
Please enter the values for all the mandatory fields.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_ClickSaveButton04
History Value Field cannot be NULL. Please select a value from the dropdown or select No inside the Radio Button.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_ClickSaveButton05
Checksum Field cannot be NULL. Please select a value from the dropdown or select No inside the Radio Button.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_ClickSaveButton06
Delta Field cannot be NULL. Please select a value from the dropdown or select No inside the Radio Button.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_DKM_ClickAddButton01
Please select Attributes for CI Class and External Data Store.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_DKM_ClickAddButton02
An entry with these Attributes already exists.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_DKM_ClickAddButton04
Target Attribute "$460030039$" cannot be mapped more than once. Please select another Attribute for the mapping.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_DKM_ClickAddButton06
Target Attribute "$460030040$" cannot be mapped more than once. Please select another Attribute for the mapping.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_DKM_ClickDeleteButton01
Please select an entry from Mapped Attributes table to delete.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_DKM_ClickModifyButton01
Please select an entry from the Mapped Attributes table, to modify.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_DelKM_ClickAddButton01
Please select a CMDB Attribute from the available table.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_DelKM_ClickAddButton02
Please select a Data Source Attribute from the available table.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_DelKM_ClickAddButton05
An entry with these attributes already exists.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_DelKM_ClickAddButton07
Target Attribute "$460030101$" cannot be mapped more than once. Please select another Attribute for the mapping.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_DelKM_ClickDeleteButton01
Please select an entry from Mapped Attributes table, to delete.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_DelKM_ClickModifyButton01
Please select an entry from the Mapped Attributes table, to modify.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_PKM_ClickAddButton01
Please select Attributes for CI Class and External Data Store.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_PKM_ClickAddButton03
An entry with these Attributes already exists.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_PKM_ClickAddButton05
Target Attribute "$460030018$" cannot be mapped more than once. Please select another Attribute for the mapping.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_PKM_ClickAddButton07
Target Attribute "$460030019$" cannot be mapped more than once. Please select another Attribute for the mapping.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_PKM_ClickDeleteButton01
Please select an entry from Mapped Attributes table, to delete.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_RKM_ClickAddButton01
Please select Attributes for CI Class and External Data Store.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_RKM_ClickAddButton02
An entry with these Attributes already exists.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_RKM_ClickAddButton04
Target Attribute "$460030066$" cannot be mapped more than once. Please select another Attribute for the mapping.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_RKM_ClickAddButton06
Target Attribute "$460030067$" cannot be mapped more than once. Please select another Attribute for the mapping.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_RKM_ClickDeleteButton01
Please select an entry from Mapped Attributes table to delete.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_RKM_ClickModifyButton01
Please select an entry from the Mapped Attributes table, to modify.
active link: EIE:MI-CIClass_ShowHelp
No Help Avaiable for this Topic.
active link: EIE:MI-DE_AS_ClickApplyToAllButton01
Debug settings have been applied to all data exchanges.
active link: EIE:MI-DE_ClickCreateButton0
Can not create Data Exchange with Special Characters [<, >, :, ", /, , ?, | , *]
active link: EIE:MI-DE_ClickCreateButton01
Please enter values for all the mandatory fields.
active link: EIE:MI-DE_ClickCreateButton03
Data Exchange Name cannot be empty. Please enter a valid Data Exchange Name
active link: EIE:MI-DE_ClickCreateButton05
Data Exchange with the name "$536871009$" already exists. Please enter a different name for Data Exchange.
active link: EIE:MI-DE_ClickCreateButton06
Cannot set this direction for a data exchange of type AR. Please select a valid direction.
active link: EIE:MI-DE_ClickCreateButton07
Cannot set this direction for a data exchange of type CMDB. Please select a valid direction.
active link: EIE:MI-DE_ClickCreateButton08
Cannot set this direction for a data exchange of type Relationship. Please select a valid direction.
active link: EIE:MI-DE_ClickCreateButton09
Data Exchange.
active link: EIE:MI-DE_ClickSaveButton0
Can not create Data Exchange with Special Characters [<, >, :, ", /, , ?, | , *]
active link: EIE:MI-DE_DM_Click<01
Please select a Data Mapping from Selected table.
active link: EIE:MI-DE_DM_Click>ForRelClass03
Cannot select more than one Mapping. Please remove the selected mapping to add a new one.
active link: EIE:MI-DE_DM_Click>ForXML_ARMap03
XML adapter supports only one Mapping. Please remove the selected mapping to add a new one.
active link: EIE:MI-DE_DM_Click>ForXML_CIClass03
XML adapter supports only one Mapping. Please remove the selected mapping to add a new one.
active link: EIE:MI-DE_ME_AddTriggerDE2
$15129$ does not exists. Please specify a Valid DataExchange Name.
active link: EIE:MI-DE_ME_AddTriggerDE4
Exchange cannot be set as triggered Exchange. Also, please check the Delay Time specified.
active link: EIE:MI-DE_ME_ClickSaveButton01
Please enter values for all the mandatory fields.
active link: EIE:MI-DE_ME_ClickSaveButton03
No Data Mapping selected for the current Data Exchange.
active link: EIE:MI-DE_ME_ClickSaveButton09
Number of threads field cannot be NULL. Please specify a valid value for number of threads.
active link: EIE:MI-DE_ME_ModifyTriggerDE01
Please select a Data Exchange.
active link: EIE:MI-DE_ME_ModifyTriggerDE02
$15129$ does not exists. Please specify a Valid DataExchange Name.
active link: EIE:MI-DE_ShowHelp
No Help Avaiable for this Topic.
active link: EIE:MI-NoErrors
Select 'Do not transfer record' or 'Transfer record with remaining fields' for 'If some fields cause errors during transfer' option.
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_AKM_ClickAddButton01
Please enter values for Relationship Class Attributes and corresponding External Data Store / CI Class and its Attributes
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_AKM_ClickAddButton02
An entry with these Attributes already exists.
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_AKM_ClickAddButton03
An entry with these Attributes already exists.
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_AKM_ClickAddButton05
Target Attribute "$536870985$" cannot be mapped more than once. Please select another Attribute for the mapping.
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_AKM_ClickDeleteButton01
Please select an entry from Mapped Attributes table to delete.
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_AKM_ClickModifyButton01
Please select an entry from the Mapped Attributes table, to modify.
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_ClickCreate001
File name should not contain extension.
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_ClickCreate02
Relationship Class Mapping name cannot be NULL. Please specify a unique name for this Relationship Class Mapping
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_ClickCreate04
Relationship Class Mapping with the name "$536870948$" already exists. Please specify a unique name for this Rleationship Class Mapping.
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_ClickCreate05
Please specify values for All the mandatory fields.
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_ClickCreate06
DatasetId cannot be NULL. Please select a DatasetId from the dropdown or uncheck UseDatasetId check box.
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_ClickCreate26
it this Mapping.
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_ClickSaveButton00
Please enter the values for all the mandatory fields.
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_ClickSaveButton02
Mapping Name cannot be NULL. Please specify a valid name for this Mapping.
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_ClickSaveButton03
DatasetId cannot be NULL. Please select a DatasetId from the dropdown or uncheck UseDatasetId check box.
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_ClickSaveButton04
Check Digit Field cannot be NULL. Please select a value from the dropdown or select No inside the Radio Button.
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_ClickSaveButton05
Retreive Delta Field cannot be NULL. Please select a value from the dropdown or select No inside the Radio Button.
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_DKM_ClickAddButton01
Please select Relationship Class Attribute and a Rule from the available tables.
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_DKM_ClickAddButton04
Target Attribute "$536870999$" cannot be mapped more than once. Please select another Atribute for the mapping.
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_DKM_ClickAddButton05
An entry with these Attributes already exists.
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_DKM_ClickDeleteButton01
Please select an entry from Mapped Attributes table to delete.
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_DKM_ClickModifyButton01
Please select an entry from the Mapped Attributes table, to modify.
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_RKM_ClickAddButton01
Please select Attributes for Primary and Secondary CI Classes.
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_RKM_ClickAddButton03
An entry with these Attributes already exists.
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_RKM_ClickDeleteButton01
Please select an entry from Mapped Attributes table, to delete.
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_RKM_ClickVBDeleteButton01
Please select an entry from Mapped Attributes table, to delete.
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_RKM_VBClickAddButton01
Please enter values for External Data Store Attributes, CI Class and its Attributes
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_RKM_VBClickAddButton03
An entry with these Attributes already exists.
active link: EIE:MI-RelClass_ShowHelp
No Help Avaiable for this Topic.
active link: EIE:MI-TrailingBlanks
Select either Ignore or Consider for 'While comparing primary key values' option.
active link: EIE:MappingInfo_DSQ-ClickRulesButton01
No rule syntax has been defined by the Vendor Application
active link: EIE:RM-AddButtonValidateClassRelData
Please enter values for Classes, their Respective Keys and Enable (Yes/No).
active link: EIE:RM-AddButtonValidateRELData
Please enter values for Classes, Vendor Keys / IDs and Enable (Yes/No).
active link: EIE:RM-AttributePageAddButtonValidateData
Please enter all the attributes before clicking the ADD Button.
active link: EIE:RM-AttributePageValidateModifyButton
Please enter the values for both the Keys.
active link: EIE:RM-ClickOpenButton01
Please select a Data Mapping from the table.
active link: EIE:RM-CreateRelMapping02
Data Mapping $8$ already exists. Please enter a unique Data Mapping Name.
active link: EIE:RM-DelDeleteButton02
Select an entry to delete.
active link: EIE:RM-DeleteCreateButton2
Enter name of field to be updated.
active link: EIE:RM-DeleteCreateButton3
Please enter values for Field Name, Data Rule, and Enable fields.
active link: EIE:RM-DeleteCreateButton4
Duplicate entry for the Delete Row rules. Please enter different values for Target Fields and Data Values and Rules.
active link: EIE:RM-DeleteSaveButton02
Please enter values for Target Field Name, Data Rule, and Enable fields.
active link: EIE:RM-DeleteSaveButton03
Duplicate entry for the Delete Mapping rules. Please enter different values for Target Rules and Data Values.
active link: EIE:RM-KeyPageAddButtonValidateData
Please enter values for Relationship Class and Class Attributes.
active link: EIE:RM-KeyPageClickModifyButton
Please enter the values for Class Name, Relationship Mapping Attributes, Class Attributes and Enable (Yes / No).
active link: EIE:RM-ValidateDatasetID02
DatasetId cannot be NULL. Please specify a valid DatasetId.
active link: EIE:RM-ValidateDirection
Cannot select CMDB Data into Vendor Direction for this Mapping
active link: EIE:RM-ValidateDirectionForClassBasedMapping
Cannot select $15302$ Direction for $301027300$ based Mapping.
active link: EIE:RM-ValidateDirectionForVendorBasedMapping
Cannot select $15302$ Direction for $301027300$ based Mapping.
active link: EIE:RM-ValidateEntries
Please Enter Value for all Manditory Fields.
active link: EIE:RMC-AttributePageAddButtonValidateData
Please enter all the attributes before clicking the ADD Button.
active link: EIE:RMC-AttributePageClickDeleteButton
Selected an entry to delete.
active link: EIE:RMC-AttributePageValidateModifyButton
Please enter the values for both the Keys.
active link: EIE:RMC-ClickDeleteButton
Please select a Data Mapping from the table.
active link: EIE:RMC-ClickSaveButton02
DatasetId cannot be NULL. Please specify a valid DatasetId.
active link: EIE:RMC-DelDeleteButton02
Select an entry to delete.
active link: EIE:RMC-DeleteCreateButton2
Enter name of field to be updated.
active link: EIE:RMC-DeleteCreateButton3
Please enter values for Field Name, Data Rule, and Enable fields.
active link: EIE:RMC-DeleteCreateButton4
Duplicate entry for the Delete Row rules. Please enter different values for Target Fields and Data Values and Rules.
active link: EIE:RMC-DeleteSaveButton02
Please enter values for Target Field Name, Data Rule, and Enable fields.
active link: EIE:RMC-DeleteSaveButton03
Duplicate entry for the Delete Mapping rules. Please enter different values for Target Rules and Data Values.
active link: EIE:RMC-KeyPageAddButtonValidateData
Please enter values for Relationship Class and Class Attributes.
active link: EIE:RMC-KeyPageClickDeleteButton
Selected an entry to delete.
active link: EIE:RMC-KeyPageClickModifyButton
Please enter the values for Class Name, Relationship Mapping Attributes, Class Attributes and Enable (Yes / No).
active link: EIE:RMC-RELClickDeleteButton
Selected an entry to delete.
active link: EIE:RMC-RELMODValidateDataForClass
Please enter the values for both the Keys.
active link: EIE:RMC-RELMODValidateDataForVendor
Please enter the values for both the Keys.
active link: EIE:RMC-RELValidateDataForClass
Please enter values for Classes, their Respective Keys and Enable (Yes/No).
active link: EIE:RMC-RELValidateDataForVendor
Please enter values for Classes, Vendor Keys / IDs and Enable (Yes / No).
active link: EIE:ST-CMDBRelAddButton03
Cannot select more than one Mapping. Please remove the selected mapping to add a new one.
active link: EIE:ST-ClickBoth01
No DataMapping is selected as Active for $536870913$ DataExchange.
active link: EIE:ST-ClickGetConStatusButon01
AIE process is busy verifying this dataexchange.
active link: EIE:ST-ClickGetConStatusButon02
active link: EIE:ST-ClickGetStatusButon01
AIE process is busy verifying this dataexchange.
active link: EIE:ST-ClickGetStatusButon02
active link: EIE:ST-ClickOpenButton01
Please select a Data Exchange from the above table.
active link: EIE:ST-DeleteButton01
Please select a Data Exchange from the above table.
active link: EIE:ST-Modify02
No Data Mapping selected for the current Data Exchange.
active link: EIE:ST-RunNowOpenConfirmWindow02
$15013$ has now been started.
active link: EIE:ST-SetActive01
Please select a Data Exchange from the above table.
active link: EIE:ST-TestConnection1
Please select a Data Exchange from the above table.
active link: EIE:UpdateVendorParam-ApplyDB2-1
Please enter DB Alias
active link: EIE:UpdateVendorParam-ApplyDB2-2
Please enter Login Name
active link: EIE:UpdateVendorParam-ApplyOracle-1
Please enter SID
active link: EIE:UpdateVendorParam-ApplyOracle-3
Please enter Database Directory
active link: EIE:UpdateVendorParam-ApplyOracle-4
Please enter DB Alias
active link: EIE:UpdateVendorParam-ApplyOracle-5
Please enter Login Name
active link: EIE:UpdateVendorParam-ApplySql-1
Please enter Database Name
active link: EIE:UpdateVendorParam-ApplySql-2
Please enter Login Name
active link: EIE:UpdateVendorParam-ApplySql-3
Please enter Server Name
active link: EIE:VPC-ClickDB2GetConStatusButon01
DB2 Rule Helper utility is busy verifying the Data Store Connection.
active link: EIE:VPC-ClickDB2GetConStatusButon02
active link: EIE:VPC-ClickORCLGetConStatusButon01
Oracle Rule Helper utility is busy verifying the Data Store Connection.
active link: EIE:VPC-ClickORCLGetConStatusButon02
active link: EIE:VPC-ClickSQLGetConStatusButon01
SQL Rule Helper utility is busy verifying the Data Store Connection.
active link: EIE:VPC-ClickSQLGetConStatusButon02
active link: EIE:VPC-DB2TestConnValParams
Fill in the required DB2 Database Connections parameters.
active link: EIE:VPC-ORCLTestConnValParams
Fill in the required Oracle Database Connections parameters.
active link: EIE:VPC-SQLTestConRunWAM
Verifying connection may take some time.
active link: EIE:VPC-SQLTestConValWAM
Required paramaters are Sever Name and Database Name.
active link: EIE:VPC-SQLTestConnValNWAM
Fill in the required SQL Database Connections parameters.
active link: EIEDB2:RHConsole-ClickSave02
Please enter valid values for DB2 Instance, DB2 Alias and DB2 Login.
active link: EIEDB2:RHConsole-TestConnection02
Fill in the Vendor parameters and click on Save.
active link: EIEDB2:RHConsoleClickGetConsStatus02
DB2 Rule Helper utility is busy verifying the Data Store Connection.
active link: EIEDB2:RHConsoleClickGetConsStatus03
active link: EIEDB2:RuleHelperGetHelperStatus1
active link: EIEORA:RHConsole-ClickSave02
Please enter valid values for Oracle SID, Oracle DB Directory and Login Name.
active link: EIEORA:RHConsole-TestConnection02
Fill in the Vendor parameters and click on Save.
active link: EIEORA:RHConsoleClickGetConsStatus02
Oracle Helper is busy verifying the Data Store Connection.
active link: EIEORA:RHConsoleClickGetConsStatus03
active link: EIEORA:RuleHelperGetHelperStatus1
active link: EIESQL:RHConsole-ClickSave02
Please specify a login name or check the enable windows authentication check box.
active link: EIESQL:RHConsole-ClickSave03
Please enter valid values for SQL Server Name, SQL Database Name and SQL Login.
active link: EIESQL:RHConsole-ClickTestConnection0_1
Fill in the required SQL Database Connections parameters.
active link: EIESQL:RHConsole-ClickTestConnectionWA0_1
Fill in the required SQL Database Connections parameters.
active link: EIESQL:RHConsole-TestConnection02
Fill in the Vendor parameters and click on Save.
active link: EIESQL:RHConsoleClickGetConsStatus02
SQL RuleHelper utility is busy verifying the Data Store Connection.
active link: EIESQL:RHConsoleClickGetConsStatus03
active link: EIESQL:RuleHelperGetHelperStatus1
active link: FND:SSN:GenerateApplicationPendingEntry_010_forClass
Asset UI for the selected class and its subclasses will be sync'd with any changes in CDM.
active link: FND:SSN:GenerateApplicationPendingEntry_010_syncAll
All the Asset UI forms will be sync'd with the changes in CDM since Update Changes From date.
active link: FND:SSN:GenerateApplicationPendingEntry_08_syncAll
Please enter the date in Update Changes from field, the AST form(s) will be synced with any changes to CMDB since that date.
active link: HPD:HCL:ViewBy_130_NullValue_E
You can not clear this field.
active link: HPD:HCR:AutoCloseResolved_CheckTimeInt_OnSubmit
Please enter a number between 1 to 5000 inclusive for Auto Close Resolved field.
active link: HPD:INC:AdditionalSearch_OnReturn_OnQuery_106_NoMatch
No records match the search criteria entered.
active link: HPD:INC:History_WorkInfo_All_098
No existing work info can be viewed.
active link: HPD:INC:HoverField_AssignGroupInfo
active link: HPD:INC:HoverField_Assignee
active link: HPD:INC:HoverField_ContactInfo
active link: HPD:INC:HoverField_CustomerInfo
active link: HPD:INC:HoverField_OwnerGroupInfo
active link: HPD:INC:HoverField_VendorGroupInfo
active link: HPD:INC:HoverTable_WorkInfo
active link: HPD:INC:Modify_045_CheckVendorAccessReassigne_E
click Refresh. Please ignore the AR Server message ARERR [302] Entry does not exist in database.
active link: HPD:INC:ServiceCI_OnReturn_099
Please enter in a full or part of a Service name in the Service field to search.
active link: HPD:INX:AdditionalSearch_OnReturn_OnQuery_106_NoMatch
No records match the search criteria entered.
active link: HPD:INX:History_WorkInfo_All_098
No existing work info can be viewed.
active link: HPD:INX:HoverField_AssignGroupInfo
active link: HPD:INX:HoverField_Assignee
active link: HPD:INX:HoverField_ContactInfo
active link: HPD:INX:HoverField_CustomerInfo
active link: HPD:INX:HoverField_OwnerGroupInfo
active link: HPD:INX:HoverField_VendorGroupInfo
active link: HPD:INX:HoverTable_WorkInfo
active link: HPD:INX:Modify_045_CheckVendorAccessReassigne_E
click Refresh. Please ignore the AR Server message ARERR [302] Entry does not exist in database.
active link: HPD:INX:ServiceCI_OnReturn_099
Please enter in a full or part of a Service name in the Service field to search.
active link: HPD:SHR:HoverField_100_OpenToolTip
active link: HPD:ServiceCI_ValidateCI_1
No CI is found with the value entered. Please enter valid CI.
active link: HPD:ServiceCI_ValidateCI_2
No CI is found with the value entered. Please enter valid CI.
active link: HPD:ServiceCI_ValidateCI_OnViewCIDetail_1
No CI is found with the value entered. Please enter valid CI.
active link: HPD:ServiceCI_ValidateCI_OnViewCIDetail_2
No CI is found with the value entered. Please enter valid CI.
active link: HPD:ServiceCI_ValidateServiceCI_1
No Service is found with the value entered. Please enter valid Service name.
active link: HPD:ServiceCI_ValidateServiceCI_2
No Service is found with the value entered. Please enter valid Service name.
active link: HPD:ServiceCI_ValidateServiceCI_OnViewDetail_1
No Service is found with the value entered. Please enter valid Service name.
active link: HPD:ServiceCI_ValidateServiceCI_OnViewDetail_2
No Service is found with the value entered. Please enter valid Service name.
active link: KPI:SHR:CheckInfrastructureChangeConfig
You must have the permission group of "Infrastructure Change Config" to submit or modify records for "$500007803$"
active link: KPI:SHR:CheckReleaseConfig
You must have the permission group of "Release Config" to submit or modify records for "$500007803$"
active link: LDAP AREA:CreateNewNote
Please restart the AR Server to make the new configuration take effect.
active link: LDAP AREA:DecreaseOrder0
Can not decrease order for this configuration.
active link: LDAP AREA:DeleteConf00
Can not delete this configuration. There is no Configuration Order. Please close and open the form again to refresh the table entries.
active link: LDAP AREA:DeleteConfNote
Please restart the AR Server to make the new configuration take effect.
active link: LDAP AREA:DeleteConfValidate
Can not delete. No item selected in configuration list.
active link: LDAP AREA:IncreaseOrder0
Can not increase order for this configuration.
active link: LDAP AREA:Validation1
ayer is enabled, one has to enter the location of cert7.db.
active link: LDAP AREA:Validation2
A value has not been specified for 'Certificate Database'.
active link: PBM:PBI:History_WorkInfo_All_098
No existing work info can be viewed.
active link: PBM:PBI:HoverField_AssignGroupInfo
active link: PBM:PBI:HoverField_CoordinatorGroupInfo
active link: PBM:PBI:HoverField_PbmAssignee
active link: PBM:PBI:HoverField_PbmCoordinator
active link: PBM:PBI:HoverField_PbmLocation
active link: PBM:PBI:HoverTable_WorkInfo
active link: PBM:PBI:ServiceCI_OnReturn_107
No Service is found with the value entered. Please enter another Service name.
active link: PBM:PBI:ServiceCI_ValidateCI_1
No CI is found with the value entered. Please enter valid CI.
active link: PBM:PBI:ServiceCI_ValidateCI_2
No CI is found with the value entered. Please enter valid CI.
active link: PBM:PBI:ServiceCI_ValidateCI_OnViewCIDetail_1
No CI is found with the value entered. Please enter valid CI.
active link: PBM:PBI:ServiceCI_ValidateCI_OnViewCIDetail_2
No CI is found with the value entered. Please enter valid CI.
active link: PBM:PBI:ServiceCI_ValidateServiceCI_1
No Service is found with the value entered. Please enter valid Service name.
active link: PBM:PBI:ServiceCI_ValidateServiceCI_2
No Service is found with the value entered. Please enter valid Service name.
active link: PBM:PBI:ServiceCI_ValidateServiceCI_OnViewDetail_1
No Service is found with the value entered. Please enter valid Service name.
active link: PBM:PBI:ServiceCI_ValidateServiceCI_OnViewDetail_2
No Service is found with the value entered. Please enter valid Service name.
active link: PBM:PCT:HoverField_100_OpenToolTipProblem
active link: PBM:PCT:HoverField_101_OpenToolTipSolution
active link: PBM:PCT:HoverField_102_OpenToolTipKnownError
active link: PBM:PCT:ViewBy_130_NullValue_E
You can not clear this field.
active link: PBM:PCX:HoverField_100_OpenToolTip
active link: PBM:PCY:HoverField_100_OpenToolTip
active link: PBM:PKE:History_WorkInfo_All_098
No existing work info can be viewed.
active link: PBM:PKE:HoverField_AssignGroupInfo
active link: PBM:PKE:HoverField_CoordinatorGroupInfo
active link: PBM:PKE:HoverField_PbmAssignee
active link: PBM:PKE:HoverField_PbmCoordinator
active link: PBM:PKE:HoverTable_WorkInfo
active link: PCM:PCS:UpdateProducts_10_ValidateProductandCITypeEntries
Product Type cannot be blank when CI Type holds data. Please select a valid Product Type and CI Type combination.
active link: PCM:PDS:Modify_100_PMV
($420000675$ != "$--1$") AND ($1000000645$ != "$--1$")
active link: PDL:EIC:StartDSLImport
Starting Import
active link: PDL:EIC:StartDSLImport
Import $420000074$
Char value: '$91550$', Date value: '$91551$', enum value: '$91535$'
active link: RD:TEMP_ShowColCount
Table now has $91606$ rows. Something
active link: RD:serialize ar qual
AR qual: $91004$
active link: RE:CompareAction:SaveChanges_SAVE
about to call: Application-Parse-Qual-SField "$301086200$" "$301086200$" $301069400$
active link: RE:Export Definition:Job-Prec Assoc-RefreshGroup table
Group ID = $301215021$
active link: RE:Export Definition:Run Reports Check1a
You must specify a file name.
active link: RE:Export Definition:Run Reports Check1b
You must specify a type of export.
active link: RE:Export Definition:Run Reports Check1c
active link: RE:Job:OnSave_CheckContJob_Exists02
Continuous Job already exists.
active link: RE:Job_Simplified:OnSave_CheckDatasetName_Exists02
Can not create Simplified job $400109900$ because selected dataset $301071400$ is not Authoratative dataset.
active link: RE:Job_Simplified:OnSave_CheckJobName_Exists02
Job Name $400109900$ already exists.
active link: RE:Manual RE:Apply Identity Check
"Please choose one row each from Identified and UnIdentified tables above."
active link: RE:ModifyConfig:GetCurrentValues2
active link: RKM:KAH:ViewArticleHistory
- Not Yet Implemented -
active link: RKM:KMH:HoverField_100_OpenToolTip
active link: RKM:KMH:ViewBy_130_NullValue_E
You can not clear this field.
active link: RKM:RGW:Next_KAPanel_ValidateTemplateName_NEW
Template name is already in use.
active link: RKM:URQ:Save_130_ModifyStatusForceAddComment
Add comment before changing the status to $7$.
active link: RMS:RHC:HoverField_100_OpenToolTip
active link: RMS:RHC:ViewBy_130_NullValue_E
You can not clear this field.
active link: RMS:RHX:HoverField_100_OpenToolTIp
active link: RMS:RLM:HoverField_100_CoordinatorGroupInfo
active link: RMS:RLM:HoverField_100_RelCoordinator
active link: RMS:RLM:HoverField_100_RelLocation
active link: RMS:RLM:HoverTable_100_WorkInfo
active link: RMS:ServiceCI_ValidateServiceCI_1
No Service is found with the value entered. Please enter valid Service name.
active link: RMS:ServiceCI_ValidateServiceCI_2
No Service is found with the value entered. Please enter valid Service name.
active link: RMS:ServiceCI_ValidateServiceCI_OnViewDetail_1
No Service is found with the value entered. Please enter valid Service name.
active link: RMS:ServiceCI_ValidateServiceCI_OnViewDetail_2
No Service is found with the value entered. Please enter valid Service name.
active link: ROI:ROT:Tooltip_Startdate
active link: ReportCreator:Modify2
t you select the field to be worked on from the field menu. If you entered the field name by hand, some support fields were not updated.
active link: ReportCreator:Remove2
t you select the field to be worked on from the field menu. If you entered the field name by hand, some support fields were not updated.
active link: SHR:ATR:HelpSystem_003_ChkHelpUrl
Please install online documentation
active link: SHR:ATR:HelpSystem_005_DefaultHelpTopic
This form is not linked to any help topic. Opening the index page
active link: SHR:OVC:HoverField_100_OpenHomePageToolTipFULL
active link: SHR:OVC:HoverField_100_OpenHomePageToolTipNoIP
active link: SHR:OVC:HoverField_100_OpenHomePageToolTipNoImpact
active link: SHR:SHR:Contract_CreateRecord_001_Contract
Please select a contract type
active link: SHR:SHR:Contract_CreateRecord_004_Contract
A Master Contract is already related to this contract.
active link: SHR:SHR:Contract_Detail_RemoveRelatedContract_000_NoSelection
Please select an entry in the contract table
active link: SHR:SHR:Contract_Detail_ViewRelatedContract_010_NoSelection
Please select an entry in the contract table
active link: SHR:SHR:Contract_SearchRecord_001_Contract
Please select a contract type
active link: SHR:SHR:Contract_SearchRecord_004_Contract
A Master Contract is already related to this contract.
active link: SRM:SRV:NoPermissions_001_E
Only members of the Request Config group may access the Survey form.
active link: SSOADM.Save
Please make sure all fields are populated
active link: SYS:SVS:AddCompany_001_CheckNull
Please fill in all the required information including Application Name, Role, Company and Sorting Order.
active link: SYS:SVS:AddCompany_090_VerifySortOrder-N
Please enter a sorting order between 1000 and 99999.
active link: SYS:SVS:AddPPL_001_CheckNull
Please fill in all the required information including Application Name, Role, Company and Login ID or People's Name by using the menu provided.
active link: SYS:SVS:AddPPL_105_VerifyCompanyType_E
The selected company is not a valid selection. Please select a Company from the menu provided.
active link: SYS:SVS:AddSupportGrp_001_CheckNull
Please fill in all the required information including Application Name, Role, Company, Organization, Support Group and Sorting Order.
active link: SYS:SVS:AddSupportGrp_050_CheckSupportGrpID
Please select Company, Organization and Support Group from the menu provided.
active link: SYS:SVS:AddSupportGrp_090_VerifySortOrder-N
Please enter a sorting order between 100000 and 999999.
active link: SYS:SVS:AddSupportGrp_105_VerifyCompanyType_E
The selected company is not a valid selection. Please select a Company from the menu provided.
active link: SYS:VSR:AddCompany_015_GlobalYes
The selection Application Name and Role already mapped to -Global-.
active link: SYS:VSR:AddRole_001_CheckFieldNull
Please fill in all the required information including Application Name, Role, Form Name and View Name.
active link: Sample:Enroll00(CheckInput)
You must select a class from the table and enter your Department before clicking Enroll.
active link: Sample:Enroll05(PushFields)
That class is Full. Please select an Open class in which to enroll.
active link: Sample:SpellCheck
OLE only works on Windows, with Microsoft Word installed
active link: TMS:ELD:CreateEffortEntry_0
Values for hours and minutes must be non-negative.
active link: TMS:ELD:CreateEffortEntry_0a
Please fill in required fields: Type, Time Spent Hours, Minutes, Task Request Id.
active link: User Password Change:EnforceCustomQualifier
active link: User Password Change:ErrorIfPasswordSameAsOld
Password cannot be the same as the previous one. Please enter a new password.
filter: AP:PreviewData-NoProcessListError
Process List can not be NULL for multi-process preview type.
filter: APR:AVD:CompleteChain
z1D_ProcessFlag = $302783700$,instanceID = $
filter: APR:AVN:ErrorHandler
$-43$ [$-42$]
filter: AR System Administration:ServerInformation:SaveAttachmen:Add AttachmentError
Attachment: $16363$ does not exist
filter: AR System Web Services Category - Error On Duplicate
This category already exists.Webservice $8037$ can not have duplicate categories.
filter: AR System Web Services Category - Error on semicolon
Semicolon not allowed in Category Name or Category Value
filter: AR System Web Services Category - Send Message
Category for Web Service $8037$ is Registered
filter: AR System Web Services Registry - Error On Duplicate Entry
This entry already exists. $-5$ cannot have duplicates.
filter: AR System Web Services Registry - check EP ARServer
Need non null EP Web Server Address, EP MidTier Root or EP ARServer to build EP URL
filter: AR System Web Services Registry - check EP MidTier Root
Need non null EP Web Server Address, Ep MidTier Root or EP ARServer to build EP URL
filter: AR System Web Services Registry - check EP Web Server Address
Need non null EP Web Server Address, EP MidTier Root or EP ARServer to build EP URL
filter: AR System Web Services Registry - check WSDL ARServer
Need non null WSDL Web Server Address, WSDL MidTier Root or WSDL ARServer to build WSDL URL
filter: AR System Web Services Registry - check WSDL MidTier Root
Need non null WSDL Web Server Address, WSDL MidTier Root or WSDL ARServer to build WSDL URL
filter: AR System Web Services Registry - check WSDL Web Server Address
Need non null WSDL Web Server Address, WSDL MidTier Root or WSDL ARServer to build WSDL URL
filter: AR System Web Services Registry - send Message
Web Service $8037$ is Registered
filter: AR System Web Services Registry - send Message
Web Service $8037$ is Not Registered
filter: AR System Web Services Registry - validate URLs
WSDL URL ($8059$) or End Point URL ($8061$) cannot be empty.
filter: AST:AHE:ValidateChangeRequester_100
If a Change Template is defined, you also need to have a Change Requester. Please select one from the corresponding menu.
filter: AST:ALE:ValidateChangeRequester_100
If a Change Type is defined, you also need to have a Change Requester. Please select one from the corresponding menu.
filter: AST:ARU:SWLMRelateExpiryFlag_250_Check
If you choose to drop CIs after license expiry, please identify the number of days to drop CIs and whether or not the engine will be triggered.
filter: AST:LCI:SaveWorkInfo_IncompleteInfo
Work Info Type, View Access, Locked, and Summary fields are required to add a Work Info entry.
filter: AST:LPA:RecordExists_Error
This combination already covered
filter: AST:SHR:SetSupplier_010_Error
Select a Supplier using the associate field menu.
filter: Application Statistics:Prevent Modify
Application Statistics records cannot be modified.
filter: Business Time Segment-CheckIDfor"_002
The " value is not allowed in the ID field.
filter: Business Time Segment-ChkAction
Please select one of the an Action commands.
filter: Business Time Segment-ChkAction_WFCommand
No WF Command specificed. Please enter in a command.
filter: Business Time Segment-ChkAvailability_Lvl1
Time Segments at Level 1 must have Availability set to Available.
filter: Business Time Segment-ChkAvailability_Lvl2
Time Segments at Level 2 must have Availability set to Unavailable.
filter: Business Time Segment-ChkEndDate_ForEpoc_010
The earliest Date allowed is 1/1/1970.
filter: Business Time Segment-ChkEndDate_ForEpoc_020
The latest Date allowed is 1/1/2038.
filter: Business Time Segment-ChkRec-Daily
Please fill in the Daily Frequency Recurrence information.
filter: Business Time Segment-ChkRec-Monthly
Please fill in the Monthly Recurrence information.
filter: Business Time Segment-ChkRec-SpecificDates
Please fill in the Specific Dates Recurrence information.
filter: Business Time Segment-ChkRec-Weekly
Please fill in the Weekly Frequency Recurrence information.
filter: Business Time Segment-ChkRec-Yearly
Please fill in the Yearly Recurrence information.
filter: Business Time Segment-ChkSchedDates_001
The Scheduled Start Date must be before the End Date.
filter: Business Time Segment-ChkSchedDates_003
The Start Date and Time must be before the End Date and Time.
filter: Business Time Segment-ChkSchedDates_004
Scheduled Start Time must be before the End Time.
filter: Business Time Segment-ChkStartDate_ForEpoc_010
The earliest Date allowed is 1/1/1970.
filter: Business Time Segment-ChkStartDate_ForEpoc_020
The latest Date allowed is 1/1/2038.
filter: Business Time Segment-CreateNextFree_002
No available time found with in the given search range.
filter: Business Time Segment-FindNextFree_002
No available time found with in the given search range.
filter: Business Time Segment-PreventChg_StatusPublished
You must use the Draft action to move the Status to Draft.
filter: Business Time Shared Entity-CheckDupAttribOnMod_002
Duplicate record with matching Attributes.
filter: Business Time Shared Entity-CheckDupAttribOnSub_002
Duplicate record with matching Attributes.
filter: Business Time Shared Entity-CheckDupBusEvntOnMod_002
Duplicate Business Event already exist.
filter: Business Time Shared Entity-CheckDupBusEvntOnSub_002
Duplicate Business Event already exist.
filter: Business Time Shared Entity-CheckDupPOIID_002
Duplicate POIID.
filter: CFG:PSC:Description_CheckLength_002
The Description cannot have more than 100 characters, please modify before saving.
filter: CHG:CRQ:CABMgr_852_GetDFLT
Company3 = $1000000251$
filter: CTM:DPB:Validate_Time_Management_Type_RequiredField
Type=$302988400$, Year=$1000002137$, Reason=$1000000150$
filter: CTM:PPL:Verify_Email_100_E
E-mail address cannot contain characters like "0" or "."
filter: DLD:DLO:PromoteValidation_201_ValidateStaging_Error
Unvalidated records or data errors have been detected in $301504800$. You must validate and correct data errors before Promoting data.
filter: DLD:DTM:Promote_No_Data_Error
There are no records that need to be promoted
filter: DLD:DTM:Promote_ValidatedB4Promote_CheckDependantValidated_Error
Some records need to be re-validated because they may be dependent on records that were modified after the previous validation. You must validate again before Promoting data.
filter: EIE:CD-ETS-ExportToServer
filter: Group: Validate Parent Group
You cannot Assign Dynamic, Submitter, Administrator Groups As a Parent Group
filter: HPD:INC:ReportedSource_NoSelfService_OnModify
You cannot choose "Self Service" while modifying an Incident. Please select another Reported Source.
filter: HPD:INC:ReportedSource_NoSelfService_OnSubmit
You cannot choose "Self Service" for manually created Incident. Please select another Reported Source.
filter: HPD:INC:ReportedSource_SelfServiceReset_OnModify
An Incident with Reported Source as "Self Service" cannot be changed to another source.
filter: License Process:Error Handler
Report did not complete in allotted time. ..... If Report completes successfully, the result will be in a file named: <installdir>/arserver/db/ReportResult.csv
filter: License Process:Process Complete DisplayMessage
Your report is on the server in file: <installDir>ARServerDbReportResult.csv
filter: License Process:Process Complete DisplayMessage
Your report is on the server in file: <installDir>/db/ReportResult.csv
filter: PDL:PCL:Save
Submit action
filter: RKM:KAM:OnSubmit_50_PublishApproval_TEMP
The request to publish the article is approved
filter: RKM:KAM:OnSubmit_50_RetireApproval_TEMP
The request to retire the article is approved
filter: RKM:KAM:OnSubmit_600_Check_Cancel_Permissions
The article can't be cancelled. You must have Knowledge Admin permissions to perform this task. ($302300570$)
filter: RKM:NTE:NTS:Email_200_SystemNT
Remedy Notification Method:$1000000755$| Internet E-mail:$1000000048$| Notification Submitter:$1000001029$| Remedy Login ID:$1000000581$|
filter: RLE:CallConnectSet2TypeGuide
ConnectionType = $303631100$
filter: RLE:CallConnectSet2TypeGuide
In else ConnectionType = $303631100$
filter: RLE:REJ:Call_ActionGuide
Call delete guide - else
filter: RLE:REJ:ErrorHandler
filter: SHARE:Application_Interface-CheckGUIDonImport
GUID field is required a field. Ensure that it is populated on import.
filter: SRD:SHR:USMErrorHandler
Error occur during migration for SRD Instance ID $179$, SRD is not migrated.
filter: SRD:SRD:SCM:Approval_ValidateCatmanCustomer
Please Set the SRD Approval Flag
filter: Sample:GetMoreInfoError
Class Info path:$536870926$ does not exist
filter: Sample:Withdraw
You have successfully withdrawn from $536870918$.
filter: TMS:SHR:ValidateAssignment_2
The Assignment Information is not valid. Please use the menus provided on the 'Assignee Company', 'Assignee Organization' and 'Assignee Group' or the type ahead return function on the 'Assignee Group' field to select this information.
filter: User Password Change:EnforceCustomQualifier
filter: User Password Change:ErrorIfPasswordSameAsOld
Password cannot be the same as the previous one. Please enter a new password.
filter: User Password Change:UpdatePasswordErrorHandler
Guest user cannot change password.
filter: User Password Change:UpdatePasswordMessage
Your password has been changed.
filter: User Password Management:RestrictSubmitMessage
This form can have only one record.
filter: User Password Management:RestrictWarningDays
Number of warning days must be less than days before expiration.