Advanced ZipAttachments plug-in
Advanced ZipAttachments is a Java AR Filter API plug-in for BMC Remedy AR System. It allows to pack any files (from attachment fields) into .zip archives from any forms according to any qualification. Plug-in has many settings, it handles any errors due to incorrect data and returns not only created .zip file but also a result code. You can use my plugin to replace an out-the-box ZipAttachments plug-in that contains many bugs or you can use it in your own custom BMC Remedy AR System applications.
Key Features
Packing any files from any forms into .zip archive according to any qualification.
Supporting multi-language file names.
Renaming files with equal names (for example: file.doc, file(1).doc, file(2).doc etc).
Removing zero size files.
Handling all exceptions by plug-in. Properly configured plug-in does not generate any ARException (ARError).
Having a configurable compression level.
Returning a status code that can be used in any workflow.
Having a lot of settings: maximum input file size, maximum output file size, maximum number of files, exclusion of files by name or extension, output file name.
Having a detailed debug mode.
BMC Remedy AR Server 8.1 or newer version.
Java 8 or newer version.
If you need a build for Java 7 or AR System 7.6.04/8.0 please contact me.
How to install
- Download the latest version of Advanced ZipAttachments plug-in.
- Copy AdvancedZipAttachments.jar into your pluginsvr directory.
- Add an entry in the pluginsvr_config.xml file:
<pathelement type="location">C:/Program Files/BMC Software/ARSystem/pluginsvr/AdvancedZipAttachments.jar</pathelement>
<discardFileNames>winmail.dat logo.png</discardFileNames>
<discardFileTypes>exe msi jar</discardFileTypes>
- Modify highlighted text for your system:
- tempFolder - must be writable.
- maxSizeOfSingleFile - maximum size of each input file.
- maxSizeOfOutputFile - maximum size of output .zip file.
- maxNumberOfFiles - maximum number of input files (all subsequent files will be ignored).
- outputFileName - a name of output .zip file.
- discardFileNames - files with these names are ignored by plug-in. Use " " (space) as a separator.
- discardFileTypes - files with these extensions are ignored by plug-in. Use " " (space) as a separator.
You can also set serverName and serverPort params but by default plug-in uses values from ARSystem config file.
- Add an entry in the ar.conf file:
- Restart your AR System server application.
- Build a qualification in a temporary field:
Example: 'TaskOrTaskGroupID' = $TaskOrTaskGroupID$
- Add "Set Fields" action into a filter and call a plug-in:
Input fields:
Position 1: schema name.
Position 2: qualification.
Position 3: field ids (Use " " (space) as a separator).
Output fields:
$1$ - an attachment field for output .zip file.
$2$ - a character field for status code.
Available status codes:
0 - Success, .zip file has been returned.
1 - Success, no files have been found according qualification.
2 - Failure, the returned file is too large.
3 - Failure, I/O error.
Latest version: 1.14
Last update date: 10/18/2018
Click to download (Downloaded 1836 times)
Version history:
If you have any further concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Dmitry Razuvaev