All BMC Remedy AR Server messages with detailed description and developers comments.
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active link: HPD:INC:ASGMyDFLTGrp_101_NoGp-
The search failed to find your default support group, because you are not currently associated with a support group. Notify your group administrator.
active link: HPD:INC:ASGPredefGrp_101_Setu-E
You are either not related to a support group or your default support group entry is offline. Notify you administrator.
active link: HPD:INC:StopWatchStart_101
easure your effort time spent.
active link: HPD:INC:StopWatchStart_101_VUI=BPView
easure your effort time spent.
active link: HPD:INX:ASGMyDFLTGrp_101_NoGp-
The search failed to find your default support group, because you are not currently associated with a support group. Notify your group administrator.
active link: HPD:INX:ASGPredefGrp_101_Setu-E
You are either not related to a support group or your default support group entry is offline. Notify you administrator.
active link: HPD:INX:QuickViewWorklogs_101
There is no Work Info related to this Incident.
active link: HPD:INX:Refresh_101_Rfsh-E
Select a contact to view their related incidents.
active link: HPD:INX:StopWatchStart_101
easure your effort time spent.
active link: HPD:INX:StopWatchStart_101_VUI=BPView
easure your effort time spent.