All BMC Remedy AR Server messages with detailed description and developers comments.
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active link: INT:APRCHG:CSG:NextApprover_Individual_211_NoMatchingApprover-E
The selected user cannot be found or has a profile status that is something other than enabled.
active link: INT:ASTPRO:ARD:NextApprover_Individual_211_NoMatchingApprover-E
Selected User Cannot Be Found or has a profile status other than Enabled.
active link: RMS:RDS:NextApprover_Individual_211_NoMatchingApprover-E
The selected user cannot be found or has a profile status that is something other than enabled.
active link: SRD:AP:NextApprover_Individual_211_NoMatchingApprover-E
The selected user cannot be found or has a profile status that is something other than enabled.
active link: SRM:SDS:NextApprover_Individual_211_NoMatchingApprover-E
The selected user cannot be found or has a profile status that is something other than enabled.