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ARWARN 45264
You must be a member of the Infrastructure Change Master, Infrastructure Change Config or have a Support Group Admin Role to create a Change Template.
ARERR 45265
The "Contact Location Admin" permission is required in order to perform this function. Advise your Administrator if you require this permission to be added to your profile.
ARERR 45266
The "Contact Organization Admin" permission is required in order to perform this function. Advise your Administrator if you require this permission tobe added to your profile.
ARERR 45267
One of the following four permissions; "Contact Organization Admin", "Contact Support Admin", "Contact People Admin" or "Contact People User" is required in order to perform this function. Advise your Administrator if you require this permission to be added to your profile.
ARERR 45268
You do not have access to print $301626700$ records.
ARERR 45269
You do not have access to print $301626700$ records.
ARERR 45270
You do not have access to print $301626700$ records.
ARERR 45271
You do not have access to print $301626700$ records.
ARERR 45272
You do not have access to print $301626700$ records.
ARWARN 45273
If you are changing the dataset names, you will also need to make sure that you have updated the BMC:Asset Management - Sandbox reconcliation rules to match the new dataset names.
ARERR 45274
Production and Sandbox cannot be the same.
ARWARN 45275
For this setting to take affect, users must close their client and relogin to the application.
ARERR 45276
Please fill in all the required fields and re-apply.
ARNOTE 45277
The company has been successfully added.
ARNOTE 45278
The organization and department have been successfully added.
ARNOTE 45280
The site has been successfully added
ARERR 45281
The incident number is required for this function to work. To generate an incident number, select a customer.
ARERR 45282
CIs and CI Unavailability cannot be related to your current CI from here. Please go to your current CI to relate to the Broadcasted CI or CI Unavailability (where applicable).
ARNOTE 45283
The support group has been successfully added.
ARERR 45284
To create a task, a Problem Investigation ID is required. To generate one, press ENTER while in the Problem Investigation ID field.
ARNOTE 45285
The assignment routing record has been successfully added.
ARERR 45286
To create a task, you need a Known Error ID. To generate one, press ENTER while the cursor is in the Known Error ID field.
ARERR 45287
To create a task, the Summary field requires an entry.
ARNOTE 45288
The people record has been successfully added.
ARERR 45289
The password entered did not match. The people record was not created.
ARNOTE 45290
Permission has been applied, please log out and log back in.
ARERR 45292
There are no associations defined for this Active task group template. Add some asociations or modify the task group template status to Potential or Inactive.
ARWARN 45300
An entry for the $10050$ form in AP:Form could not be found. Some functionality may not be available due to this error. Create an appropriate entry forthis form in AP:Form before proceeding.
ARERR 45301
The field First Approver Field is required if the process type is ad-hoc or if the Allow Ad-hoc Next Approver? field is set to Anyone.
ARERR 45302
Select a CI from the table to view with the Relationship Viewer
ARERR 45305
This CI must be reconclied before adding any outage records. Please do a manual reconciliation, or run the Reconcliation Engine.
ARERR 45306
This CI must be reconclied before relating people. Please do a manual reconciliation, or run the Reconcliation Engine.
ARERR 45307
The CI must be reconclied before you can relate schedules. Please run a manual reconciliation, or run the reconciliation engine.
ARERR 45308
The CI must be reconclied before you can relate return reciepts. Please run a manual reconciliation, or run the reconciliation engine.
ARERR 45309
This CI must be reconclied before relating contracts. Please do a manual reconciliation, or run the Reconcliation Engine.
ARERR 45310
This CI must be reconclied before relating contracts. Please do a manual reconciliation, or run the Reconcliation Engine.
ARERR 45311
This CI must be reconclied before adding any impact records. Please do a manual reconciliation, or run the Reconcliation Engine.
ARERR 45312
This CI must be reconclied before adding any configurations. Please do a manual reconciliation, or run the Reconcliation Engine.
ARERR 45313
You cannot view an association of type "Asset Maintenance" from Change.
ARERR 45314
You cannot delete or modify an association of type "Asset Maintenance"
ARERR 45315
You can only add work info entries after CI has been reconciled. Please manually reconclie this CI or run the reconcliation engine.
ARNOTE 45323
$-14$ of $1000000140$ Configuration Items were successfully related to the current $1000000204$ ( $1000000206$ ) record.
ARNOTE 45324
$-14$ or $1000000140$ Software Library Items were successfully related to the current record.
ARNOTE 45325
$-14$ or $1000000140$ LDAP items were successfully related to the current record.
ARWARN 45326
Change Request $1000000182$ could not move to Completed until all lower dependent change requests have been completed.
ARWARN 45327
Change Request $1000000182$ could not move to Implementation In Progress until all lower dependent change requests have been completed.
ARERR 45328
Assignee Group is required
ARERR 45329
This cost center is part of an allocation and cannot be deleted.
ARERR 45331
Cannot delete this cost center, it is specified on one or more people records as an associated cost center.
ARERR 45349
A process must be selected if the Covering field is set to Specific Process.
ARERR 45350
You must be an AR System administrator or be a registered process administrator for all processes or for the specific process to which this record is tied.
ARERR 45351
The $12210$ workday schedule does not exist in the Business Time Workdays form.
ARNOTE 45352
Your Request $1000000829$ has been submitted.
ARERR 45353
The $21150$ workday schedule does not exist in the Business Time Workdays form.
ARERR 45354
The $21180$ workday schedule does not exist in the Business Time Workdays form.
ARERR 45355
The $21151$ holiday schedule does not exist in the Business Time Holidays form.
ARERR 45356
The $12211$ holiday schedule does not exist in the Business Time Holidays form.
ARNOTE 45357
The Selected SRD has been deleted - SRD Title: $302797200$
ARNOTE 45358
The Selected PDT has been deleted - PDT Title: $302806800$
ARERR 45359
You must be an AR System administrator or be a registered process administrator.
ARNOTE 45360
SRD: $302861100$ - has been approved
ARERR 45361
Please select a service request to view.
ARERR 45362
Another record already exists with the same locale and status, please choose other values or update the original record directly.
ARNOTE 45363
Your preferences have been saved.
ARERR 45364
Name, Category, Company, Version Number and Locale must be unique.
ARERR 45365
Specify only Navigation Tiers or SRD ID, not both.
ARERR 45372
The work information you selected is from more than one Work Order. Reselect work information that is related to only one Work Order.
ARERR 45373
Browse Visibility is a required field
ARERR 45374
Description is a required field
ARERR 45375
Description and Browse Visibility are a required fields
ARERR 45376
To create work information, select a Work Order record first.
ARERR 45379
Please select a service request to view.
ARERR 45380
Please select a service request to view.
ARERR 45382
No URL Specified for Service Request Definition, please contact your admin.
ARERR 45384
This service request definition contains the process definition template with a difference type. Please select the process definition template with the same type.
ARERR 45385
The entry for the locale $160$ already exists.
ARERR 45386
Required field (without a default) not specified : Category 1*
ARERR 45387
URL field not specified.
ARERR 45388
You must belong to the 'Request Catalog Manager' permission group in order to submit a Service Request Definition.
ARERR 45389
Only members of the 'Request Catalog Manager' permission group can query the Service Request Definition form. Ask your administrator to give you the proper access permissions.
ARNOTE 45390
SRD: $302797200$ - has been rejected
ARERR 45391
$300062100$ type template cannot be created from this form. Press the "Register" button to register the application template with Service Request Management.
ARERR 45392
Cannot delete the active service request definition, ($7$, Online).
ARERR 45393
Adding this Process Definition Template $301181100$ could cause the loop at runtime.
ARERR 45394
There is already an entry with $300992400$ for $301640200$ for the $160$ locale.
ARNOTE 45395
$-38$ requires a value, defaulting to $302882200$
ARERR 45396
The process on this entry cannot be changed. This entry is being used by the service request definition $1000000058$. All related service request defintions need to be offline before changing the process on this entry.
ARERR 45397
The target data on this this application object template cannot be changed. This entry is being used by the service request definition $1000000058$. Allrelated service request defintions need to be offline before changing the target data on this entry.
ARERR 45399
The entry with the type $300062100$ for $301289000$ already exist.
ARERR 45401
This entry cannot have a related $1000000083$ with a different request type as "$1000000084$". All processes must have the same request type.
ARERR 45402
This process definition template has reached the over limit of six nested level.
ARERR 45403
This entry cannot have a related $1000000083$ with a different request type as "$1000000084$". All processes must have the same request type.
ARERR 45404
This entry cannot have a related $1000000083$ with a different request type as "$1000000084$". All processes must have the same request type.
ARERR 45405
The number of licenses required by the staging forms is greater than the number of available licenses. Choose Functions > License Compliance Check to verify.
ARERR 45406
You must be the Approver or an AR System Administrator or a Process Administrator for all processes or for the current process to be able to Reassign.
ARERR 45407
The process on this entry cannot be changed. This entry is being used by the service request definition $1000000066$. All related service request defintions need to be offline before changing the process on this entry.
ARERR 45409
Person ID was not found.
ARERR 45410
Select a form name.
ARERR 45411
Both the "Search Name" and "Search Qualification" are required when adding a new search.
ARERR 45412
Dataload Category must be selected in order to use delete functionality.
ARERR 45413
Dataload Category must be selected in order to use delete functionality.
ARERR 45414
The fields in 'Target value' section must be filled in with proper values.
ARERR 45415
To perform an 'Update' action, the 'Company' field in the 'New Value' section must be populated.
ARERR 45417
To perform an 'Update' action, the 'Login ID' field in the 'New Value' section must be populated.
ARERR 45418
'Login ID' in the 'Target value' section must be filled in with proper value.
ARERR 45419
The data entered in the 'Search Criteria' and/or 'Target value' section are invalid.
ARERR 45422
'First Name' and 'Last Name' in the 'Target value' section must be filled in with proper data. 'Person ID' must also be supplied.
ARERR 45423
The data entered in the 'Target value' section are invalid.
ARERR 45426
Category Type and the first tier must be populated as well as any 'middle' tiers if a lower tier has been filled in for the 'Target value' section.
ARERR 45427
The first tier must be populated as well as any 'middle' tiers if a lower tier has be filled in for the 'Target value' section.
ARERR 45428
First tier must be populated as well as any 'middle' tiers if a lower tier has been filled in for the 'Target value' section.
ARERR 45429
The data entered in the 'Target value' section are invalid.
ARERR 45433
'Product Name' and 'Manufacturer' in the 'Search Criteria' section, and 'Model/Version' must be filled in with proper data.
ARERR 45434
To perform an 'Update' action, the 'Model/Version' field in the 'New Value' section must be populated.
ARERR 45435
The fields in 'Target value' section must be filled in with proper values.
ARERR 45436
To perform an 'Update' action, the 'Site' field in the 'New Value' section must be populated.
ARERR 45437
Site Address information must be populated by choosing a valid Site using the menu on the 'Site' field in 'Search Criteria' section
ARERR 45438
To perform an 'Update' action, the 'Country' and 'City' field in the 'New Value' section must be populated.
ARERR 45439
The fields in 'Target value' and 'Search Criteria' section must be filled in with proper values. 'Support Company' and 'Support Organization' must be populated.
ARERR 45441
Data Administration Type and Data Administration Action are required.
ARERR 45442
Multi-Thread capability is not supported for this staging form.
ARERR 45443
The Product Name/Alias cannot be found.
ARERR 45445
The Product Name/Alias cannot be found.
ARERR 45446
The new 'Country' value is invalid.
ARERR 45447
The person selected does not exist in the People form.
ARERR 45448
At least one of the following fields: 'Company' and/or 'Last Name' must contain a value in conjunction with the 'First Name' in order to perform a search.
ARERR 45449
No "People" match could be found for the specified search fields.
ARWARN 45450
If you changed the From Form name, you should check the qualification and field values to make sure they are still valid with the new form.
ARERR 45451
You must select a form to pull data from before selecting fields from that form.
ARERR 45452
A rule must be attached to a process in order for it to be active.
ARWARN 45453
The set fields type is Query, but the From Form field is empty. If you do not have a form to pull data from then consider choosing Value as your set fields type.
ARWARN 45454
Changing the process name will require you to check your qualifications to make sure they are still valid.
ARERR 45455
Cannot assist with fields from remote server. Please enter the field name or ID within single quotes.
ARERR 45456
The $10000$ process is not defined. Rules must be connected to an existing process.
ARWARN 45457
The $10000$ process is defined for the $12740$ application. However, this application has not been configured to work with approval processes.
ARWARN 45458
You cannot define a Get Next Approver rule for ad-hoc processes.
ARWARN 45459
Login ID is missing for the registered user. An incident will be created but the request will not be created because Login ID is required.
ARERR 45460
You cannot define Value set fields type for a Validate Approver rule.
ARWARN 45461
The value for Status selected is invalid. Now using previous valid selection.
ARERR 45462
To relate an entry to a $1000000211$, first search for the $1000000211$ using any one or any combination of the Search Criteria. When the $1000000211$is found, select the entry from the table, then press the "Relate with Unavailability" button.
ARERR 45463
The relationship type is required in order to relate entries. Select a relationship type from the 'Relationship Type' field then press the "Relate withUnavailability" button.
ARNOTE 45464
No Change Manager has been assigned to the request. Some of the processes could be affected.
ARERR 45465
There are no Support Groups or Support Group Aliases that match the search criteria.
ARERR 45466
The Company record you are trying to create already exists. Please either change the Company name or update the existing record.
ARERR 45467
The Company record you are trying to create already exists. Please enter a different Company name if you want to create a new Company record.
ARERR 45468
The Company record you are trying to create already exists. Please enter a different Company name if you want to create a new Company record.
ARERR 45469
'First Name' and 'Last Name' in the 'Target Value' section must be filled in with proper data by using the return function. Press the enter key on the 'First Name' or 'Last Name' field to choose a person.
ARERR 45470
Email address is not available for this coordinator. Please notify the system administrator.
ARERR 45471
Required fields (without a default) not specified . Please provide values for the fields: Category*, Answer Format*, Question Text*.
ARERR 45472
You cannot update fields with the same values as the target values. The new values must be different from the target values.
Showing AR messages: 45264 - 45472
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