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All error messages:
ARERR 4856
Could not find the Purchase Requisition-Line Item form.
ARERR 4857
Line item index out of bounds for this Purchase Requisition.
ARERR 4900
Invalid Value.
ARERR 4901
An attempt was made to initialize a mail box that was already initialized.
ARERR 4902
One of the fields is empty.
ARERR 4903
A '':'' is missing between the field label and the value in your input.
ARERR 4904
Missing Field Label in field value.
ARERR 4906
Missing XML <> tag in the email message.
ARERR 4907
Missing name value tag in HTML email message.
ARERR 4908
Invalid field value.
ARERR 4909
Missing the action Instruction.
ARERR 4910
Unable to create the outgoing mail message.
ARERR 4911
Unable to locate the specified User Instruction.
ARERR 4912
Command Line Parameter already defined.
ARERR 4913
Command Line Parameter not defined.
ARERR 4914
Command Line Parameter Value is missing.
ARERR 4915
Command Line Parameter is not valid.
ARERR 4916
Invalid Email configuration values in the EmailDaemon.properties file.
ARERR 4918
A required action parameter, such as a form name or a request ID, is missing in the incoming email message. Please enter the parameter and continue.
ARERR 4919
The supplied data type does not match the data type required for the field.
ARERR 4920
An expected attachment was missing while processing an incoming email message. Please provide the expected attachment.
ARERR 4922
The security key provided in the incoming email message is disabled.
ARERR 4923
The security key provided in the incoming email message has expired.
ARERR 4924
An invalid security key was entered. Verify that the security key entered is present on the AR System Email Security Form. If the problem still occurs, contact your AR System administrator.
ARERR 4925
The security key does not match the originating email address. Verify that you specified the correct security key for the email address used.
ARERR 4927
No login information was specified or the specified login information is invalid.
ARERR 4928
The specified instruction cannot be found in the AR System Email User Instruction Templates form.
ARERR 4929
The specified template cannot be found in the AR System Email Templates form.
ARERR 4930
Unable to encrypt the modify key. Contact Customer Support.
ARERR 4931
Unable to decrypt the modify key. Contact Customer Support.
ARERR 4932
The modify key contains an invalid entry ID. Make sure that the modify key was not modified and that the original outgoing email message was not deleted.
ARERR 4933
The modify key contains an invalid AR System server name.
ARERR 4934
The modify key in the incoming modify action email message is invalid. Make sure that the modify key was not modified.
ARERR 4935
The modify key is missing from the incoming modify action email message, unable to execute Instructions.
ARERR 4936
Modifications are disabled on this mailbox. Contact your AR System administrator.
ARERR 4937
The email message with the modify action is missing a security key. Provide the security key.
ARERR 4938
Invalid Date/Time format for specified date field. The correct format is format.
ARERR 4939
An unknown system error occurred. Contact Customer Support.
ARERR 4940
No email address is specified for the email message.
ARERR 4941
No matching entries found for the qualification. Verify your qualification or contact your AR System administrator.
ARERR 4942
Problem with the connection to the AR System server. Wait for the email engine to reconnect to the server and complete all pending actions. If the connection is not reestablished, then check the AR System server and then check network connectivity.
ARERR 4943
Form is missing. Will retry to verify existence of form in numberMinutes minutes.
ARERR 4944
The supplied value for an option (radio button) or a drop-down list item is invalid. Verify that you provided the correct value.
ARERR 4945
Sender address not found in originating email.
ARERR 4946
No field values were specified for submit or modify operation. Specify values for the action.
ARERR 4947
Missing currency code for the currency value specified.
ARERR 4948
Attachment file size exceeds the limit set in emaildaemon.properties.
ARERR 4949
Email address contains invalid characters.
ARERR 4950
Variable replacement with a qualification requires a form and a server.
ARERR 4951
None of the recipients have access to form: formName.
ARERR 4952
Incoming Message's From Or Reply-To is same as Incoming MailBox's User configured in AR System Email Mailbox Configuration form which may cause circular mails.
ARERR 4953
Message will be deleted without logging in email messages form because there is an error on submit.
ARERR 5000
Cannot connect to serverName.
ARERR 5001
The cache could not be updated for an object. For more information, see the log file.
ARERR 5002
Unable to retrieve field list for form formName.
ARERR 5003
Invalid store for objectName.
ARERR 5004
No field limit information available for field fieldName type type.
ARERR 5005
No metadata available for limit limit for field fieldName.
ARERR 5006
Object is not editable.
ARERR 5007
The property property for field fieldName is invalid expect value, got value.
ARERR 5008
Unable to set the value for the property ID ID of field fieldName.
ARERR 5009
Property property of field FieldName not described in metadata.
ARERR 5010
The property property of field fieldName has an unexpected enum value value.
ARERR 5011
Unable to update the enum value value of field fieldName.
ARERR 5012
The current object reservation setting requires Subadministrators to have permission for accessing the form formName.
ARERR 5013
Unable to open the binary file fileName.
ARERR 5027
The form cannot be saved. A dynamic field value in tableFieldType tableFieldName contains an invalid field or keyword reference. Provide a correct dynamic value.
ARERR 5028
Unable to add a menu item because there are too many levels in the character menu. Character menus cannot exceed 15 levels.
ARERR 5030
The error handler does not exist to validate the property.
ARERR 5031
Object is already owned by another application : objectName : applicationName.
ARERR 5032
You cannot create or modify a view form data field without specifying a corresponding database column name. Specify a valid database column name for field. fieldName.
ARERR 5035
You can't call another method on the parent method because parent return type is not an object.
ARERR 5036
The return type of the method selected and method to be added appear to be incompatible. Select a matching function.
ARERR 5037
Empty COM method list. Add at least one COM method.
ARERR 5038
The OLE method called has an incompatible return type.
ARERR 5039
The parameter or return value is incompatible. Enter a value with compatible type.
ARERR 5040
A network connection cannot be established to AR System server: serverName. errrorMessage/Reason.
ARERR 5041
propertyName cannot be empty.
ARERR 5042
The field length for fieldName cannot exceed number characters.
ARERR 5043
The value for fieldName must be in the range between value and value.
ARERR 5044
The referenced field fieldName does not exist.
ARERR 5045
Field fieldName is not found on form formName.
ARERR 5046
The value of field fieldName cannot be less than fieldValue.
ARERR 5047
The value of field fieldName cannot be greater than fieldValue.
ARERR 5048
Unable to load the primary form formName.
ARERR 5049
Notify field can only have Integer or Selection.
ARERR 5050
The notification action cannot be saved.
ARERR 5051
Dynamic values for the sampleForm/sampleServer must contain valid field/keyword references.
ARERR 5052
The specified color string is not a valid RGB color.
ARERR 5053
Property propertyName of field fieldName is not described in metadata.
ARERR 5054
The specified enum value for property propertyname of field fieldName is not a valid value.
ARERR 5055
The value specified is not a valid value for the enum property of the field.
ARERR 5056
The enum value for string cannot be blank.
ARERR 5057
The dynamic value for {0} has an invalid field or keyword reference: {1}.
ARERR 5058
Invalid qualification: problemDescription.
ARERR 5059
Invalid webServiceName : userSpecifiedName. The name must start with an alphabetical character or '_' and can have alphabetical characters, digits, '_', '.', or '-' only. Enter a valid name.
ARERR 5060
Login failed for AR System server serverName. serverName errorMessage.
ARERR 5061
The value for field fieldName cannot be more than number digits.
ARERR 5065
The objectType objectName has an open editor. Objects that are currently being edited cannot be renamed.
ARERR 5066
Cannot release the reserved objects due to an AR System server error. Open the Reserved Objects working list to view and release reservations.
ARERR 5067
Cannot import applicationName because it is reserved by another user.
ARERR 5068
Cannot add the following forms to the application as they are either not reserved for you or reserved by other users. Only forms reserved by you can be added to deployable applications.
ARERR 5069
Cannot export to a file because creation of directory directoryName failed.
ARERR 5070
The selected file does not exist or does not contain applications.
ARERR 5071
The file does not exist or does not contain any object definitions.
ARERR 5072
Cannot import because all the objects are reserved by other users.
ARERR 5073
Cannot import because all the forms are reserved by other users.
ARERR 5074
The file does not contain any view definitions.
ARERR 5075
Invalid file. Errors encountered while parsing the file: fileName.
ARERR 5076
Cannot export to file fileName. The file type must be in either def or xml format.
ARERR 5077
Cannot export to file. The file type must be arm format.
ARERR 5078
Unable to export mail template. errorMessage.
ARERR 5079
Selected objects cannot be deleted. objectNames.
ARERR 5080
All of the selected objects have editors open. Objects that are currently being edited cannot be deleted.
ARERR 5081
Some of the objects you want to edit are not reserved by you. Reserve them to edit.
ARERR 5082
Cannot export to file fileName. The file is read-only. Specify a writable file.
ARERR 5083
Some of the selected objects have editors open. Objects that are currently being edited cannot be released.
ARERR 5084
Some of the selected objects have editors open. Objects that are currently being edited cannot be reserved.
ARERR 5085
The following objects could not be reserved: objectNames. Refresh the object list to see if any of these objects are reserved by others.
ARERR 5086
Unable to retrieve the object from the AR System server. errorMessage.
ARERR 5087
Unable to retrieve objectListType lists from serverName. errorMessage.
ARERR 5088
Unable to retrieve application from serverName. errorMessage.
ARERR 5089
Unable to populate the list information. errorMessage.
ARERR 5090
Some of the selected working lists are open. Working lists that are currently being viewed cannot be deleted.
ARERR 5091
The selected packing list has an object list open. Packing lists that are currently being viewed cannot be deleted.
ARERR 5092
The selected application has an object list open. Applications that are currently being viewed cannot be deleted.
ARERR 5093
You must select one primary form for adding new action.
ARERR 5094
Unable to add new action. There are already 25 actions, which is the maximum number of allowed actions.
ARERR 5095
Errors encountered while determining related objects. errorMessage.
ARERR 5096
No user name entered to log on. Enter a user name.
ARERR 5097
No AR System servers selected to log on. Add at least one AR System server name.
ARERR 5098
Error connecting to preference server. serverName.
ARERR 5099
Error connecting to preference server. AR System User Preference form not found on the server.
ARERR 5100
Error connecting to preference server. The AR System server might be down. errorMessage.
ARERR 5101
There are no forms included in the application. To define statistics, you must add forms to the application.
ARERR 5102
The navigation fields you deleted had associated items. Use the Form > Edit Menu Bar command to access these orphaned items.
ARERR 5103
fieldType fieldName reference a field that does not exist. Update the fieldType field to reference a valid field before you save.
ARERR 5104
The form cannot be saved. {0} {1} has no cell fields. Add a cell field.
ARERR 5105
The database name will be used as the label.
ARERR 5106
fieldType Field fieldName has missing layout information. Modify its layout to display it.
ARERR 5107
Only one reservedFieldType field is allowed per form.
ARERR 5108
resultsListField field is not allowed in a display-only form.
ARERR 5110
Currency field fieldName has no functional currency values. Add at least one functional currency value before you save.
ARERR 5111
dataType Field fieldName has a minimum value equal to the maximum value.
ARERR 5112
dataType Field fieldName has a minimum value greater than the maximum value.
ARERR 5113
dataType Field fieldName has a default value less than the minimum value.
ARERR 5114
dataType Field fieldName has a default value greater than the maximum value.
ARERR 5115
{0} is linked to a missing field. Link the cell field to a valid field before you save.
ARERR 5116
panel Field fieldName has a minimum size less than 25. Enter a value that is equal to or greater than 25.
ARERR 5118
panel Field panelName has a minimum size greater than the maximum size.
Showing AR messages: 4856 - 5118
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