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All error messages:
ARERR 30060
Please select a Request Form for your Assignment Rule Qualification
ARERR 30061
Please select a Qualification String for your Assignment Rule Qualification
ARERR 30062
$301086300$ already exists!! Please enter unique Rule Name
ARERR 30064
Please Select a Form Name for your Assignment Form
ARERR 30065
Please Enter Display Name for your Assignment Form
ARERR 30066
Please select Form Type for your Assignment Form
ARERR 30070
$301086300$ already exists!! Please enter unique Display Name
ARERR 30071
$301086200$ already exists!! Please enter unique Form Name
ARERR 30072
Specify a search criteria. Unrestricted searches are not permitted on this search dialog.
ARERR 30073
Please specify a Search In value.
ARERR 30074
No entry found in ASE:LocalizedStrings_MenuItems with Developer Name = $300132000$. Contact your administrator.
ARERR 30075
Please Enter a Process Name
ARERR 30076
Process Name: $500067200$ already exists. Please enter a different name.
ARERR 30077
Please enter the Request Form name
ARERR 30079
The Process "$500089100$" is currently using the Rule "$500067200$". So change of Request form is not possible.
ARERR 30083
Rule "$500067200$" has Status "Inactive". Assignment Process "$400064700$" must contain at least one Rule/Qualification with Status = Active.
ARERR 30084
Please select a Assignee Selection Form for your Assignment Rule
ARERR 30085
Please select a Assignment Method for your Assignment Rule
ARERR 30086
Please select a Qualification String for your Assignment Rule
ARERR 30087
Please select a Request Form for your Assignment Rule
ARERR 30088
Please select a name for your Assignment Rule Name
ARERR 30089
Please select a unique name for your Assignment Rule
ARERR 30094
$301086300$ already exists!! Please enter unique Display Name
ARERR 30095
$301086200$ already exists!! Please enter unique Form Name
ARERR 30096
Please Enter Assignee Unique Id for your Assignment Form
ARERR 30097
Please Select a Display Name for your Assignment Form
ARERR 30098
Please Select a Form Name for your Assignment Form
ARERR 30099
Please Select a Form Type for your Assignment Form
ARERR 30100
Please select a Status for your Assignment Form
ARERR 30336
Work Order Templates can only be used while the Status is in the Assigned state.
ARERR 40000
This record already exists. Please verify or reselect your field entries and try again.
ARERR 40011
Fill in all fields.
ARERR 40013
Fill in all fields.
ARERR 40018
You must first select an asset.
ARERR 40020
$250000019$ is already associated to asset $200000020$.
ARERR 40024
To submit or modify assets, you must be an AR Administrator or in the Asset User or Asset Admin
ARERR 40033
Please enter the New Template Name
ARERR 40037
To delete an asset, you must be in the Asset User or Asset Admin group.
ARERR 40044
Cannot find the asset people relationship record.
ARERR 40053
No CI and People record exists for this selection.
ARERR 40055
In the CI Type field, enter the CI type to create.
ARERR 40056
Select an exisitng CI record, and then click Create.
ARERR 40057
In the Record Type field, enter the application type record to search.
ARERR 40058
$300714900$ $200000020$ has no related records.
ARERR 40059
Error retrieving keyword from SHR:SchemaName.
ARERR 40115
The status setting of $7$ is incorrect for the current state setting of $260000003$. Select a different status.
ARERR 40121
Open an existing asset record, and then click Create.
ARERR 40122
Select the contract type for the new record.
ARERR 40133
Select a return receipt.
ARERR 40134
Select a return receipt.
ARERR 40142
Select a schedule type.
ARERR 40149
This CI must be reconclied before adding any cost records. Please do a manual reconciliation, or run the Reconcliation Engine.
ARERR 40151
A valid purchase requisition for this asset is required.
ARERR 40154
Select an asset in the table.
ARERR 40155
There are no contracts for this asset.
ARERR 40156
Contract form does not exist in the SHR:SchemaNames.
ARERR 40157
There are no contracts related to $250000046$.
ARERR 40161
Cannot find the record entry ID.
ARERR 40162
The purchase cost and salvage value must have the same currency type.
ARERR 40163
The method, purchase cost, useful life, and depreciation start date are required to calculate depreciation.
ARERR 40164
The salvage value cannot equal the purchase cost.
ARERR 40165
The purchase cost must be greater than the salvage value.
ARERR 40169
The useful life of the asset cannot be reduced to a value less than the number of past depreciation periods.
ARERR 40181
There are no contacts for this supplier.
ARERR 40182
Cannot create payment if contract ID is empty. Enter the contract ID.
ARERR 40183
Select an entry in the Payments table.
ARERR 40225
Select an asset to view its details.
ARERR 40228
The new license amount is less than licenses used.
ARERR 40230
Open an existing software contract, then choose to create.
ARERR 40231
Contract ID+ is a required field. Enter a value.
ARERR 40235
To print the report enter a valid contract ID.
ARERR 40236
Submit contract before printing a summary report.
ARERR 40237
To create or display reminders, switch to Modify mode.
ARERR 40238
You must be in the Asset User or Asset Admin group to unrelate items.
ARERR 40239
Enter the Type of Item to create in the CI Type field.
ARERR 40240
You must open an existing $300714900$ Contract first, then choose to Create.
ARERR 40241
Enter the Type of Item to search in the CI Type field.
ARERR 40246
There are no items related to $250000046$.
ARERR 40249
Contract $260000000$ has no items related to it.
ARERR 40250
Software Contract $260000000$ has no Keys and Versions related to it.
ARERR 40289
You must select either one asset or one person. Many to many relationships are not allowed.
ARERR 40290
You cannot submit, modify, or query data in this record.
ARERR 40291
Select a role.
ARERR 40294
Select the records to relate.
ARERR 40313
Set the item classification to Asset, Component, or Bulk.
ARERR 40315
A configuration with ID $400016400$ exists. Enter a unique ID.
ARERR 40316
Enter the ID, description, effective date, status and approval status.
ARERR 40319
An item with ID $400016400$ exists. Enter a different ID.
ARERR 40322
This configuration must go through the approval process. Set the approval status to Pending Approval to begin the approval process.
ARERR 40323
This configuration is submitted for approval and cannot be set to Not Submitted.
ARERR 40324
This configuration must go through the approval process. Set the approval status to Pending Approval to begin the approval process.
ARERR 40325
This configuration has not been approved. Only approved configurations can have a status of Active.
ARERR 40326
This configuration cannot be set to Active until it has reached its effective date.
ARERR 40327
The status of inactive configurations cannot be set to Active.
ARERR 40328
Configurations that are active or inactive cannot have a status of Proposed.
ARERR 40329
This configuration has not been approved. Only active and approved configurations can have a status of Inactive.
ARERR 40335
Enter a notification contact or group.
ARERR 40343
There is no configuration associated to the selected asset. Relate a configuration to the asset to view the differences between the asset and its configuration.
ARERR 40346
Select a configuration from the table.
ARERR 40347
You can only create new versions of active configurations.
ARERR 40348
A new version of configuration $300415100$ exists.
ARERR 40405
Enter information in the following fields: Part Number, Description, CI Type, and Required Qty.
ARERR 40408
Enter information in the Shipping tab.
ARERR 40409
You must create a purchase requisition before creating purchase orders.
ARERR 40411
Enter an email address before sending this message.
ARERR 40414
This option requires both an application and a request number.
ARERR 40416
This purchase requisition cannot be submitted for approval, because the grand total is zero.
ARERR 40417
Enter Date Required, Requested For, Requested By, Description, Justification and Ship To Address data on the Shipping tab.
ARERR 40437
Enter the following information before you add a CI or Configuration: Schedule Name, Schedule Description, Schedule Type, Frequency, CI Type and Notification Group or Notification Contact.
ARERR 40444
You can select only one schedule for $300421900$.
ARERR 40446
You can enter one entry into the AST:AppSetting form. Click Modify Settings to modify this entry.
ARERR 40465
You must have a return receipt associated to an asset that is set to Return to Vendor status.
ARERR 40470
To calculate depreciation, enter the purchase cost, useful life, and depreciation start date.
ARERR 40472
A child contract can only go three levels deep.
ARERR 40473
The expiration date must be equal to or less than the expiration date of the parent contract. Enter a different expiration date.
ARERR 40474
You cannot create a child contract without the parent contract information.
ARERR 40475
Cannot create child contract. The child contract level is incorrect.
ARERR 40476
Cannot create child contract. Child contract has invalid parent information.
ARERR 40491
The notification group you entered is not valid.
ARERR 40492
The notification contact you entered is not valid. For help, press ENTER.
ARERR 40520
The expiration date must be later than the start date of the software contract.
ARERR 40521
The expiration date you entered is in the past. Set the status of this software contract to Historical.
ARERR 40522
Based on the start date and expiration date, the Status field should not be Historical. Verify the dates.
ARERR 40523
$300714900$ $260000000$ already exists. Enter a different ID.
ARERR 40527
Enter the contact or group to notify on $240001015$ when this contract expires.
ARERR 40529
The notification group you entered is not valid. Press ENTER to view options.
ARERR 40530
The notification contact you entered is not valid. Choose from the menu.
ARERR 40536
Cannot find the supplier name " $1000000396$ " in the CTM:Company form.
ARERR 40579
You cannot enter a negative value for the licenses.
ARERR 40582
Enter a valid approval status for this configuration.
ARERR 40584
Enter an effective date for this configuration.
ARERR 40585
Enter a valid status for this configuration.
ARERR 40586
Enter a valid status for this configuration.
ARERR 40587
This configuration cannot be set to active until the effective date.
ARERR 40589
Contract ID is required. Payment must be attached to a contract. Open a contract and add payment.
ARERR 40598
The end date must be later than the start date.
ARERR 40599
Cannot receive line items before you place the order.
ARERR 40600
You cannot change the status to $7$.
ARERR 40601
The quantity ordered must be equal to or greater than the received quantity.
ARERR 40602
You cannot increase the quantity ordered.
ARERR 40603
Cannot set the status to $7$ from $400023800$.
ARERR 40604
This status change is not allowed.
ARERR 40605
You cannot change the purchase line item after it is cancelled.
ARERR 40606
The date required must be equal to or greater than the current date.
ARERR 40607
The date to receive must be equal to or greater than the date required.
ARERR 40608
You cannot change the status to $7$.
ARERR 40609
You cannot change the purchase order after it is cancelled.
ARERR 40610
This status change is not allowed.
ARERR 40612
This status change is not allowed, because the purchase requisition is already closed.
ARERR 40613
This status change is not allowed.
Showing AR messages: 30060 - 40613
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