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All error messages:
ARERR 44996
Need to select either one of the Location or Categorization fields.
ARERR 44997
Need to select either one of the Category fields.
ARERR 44998
Please select an entity before adding an activity.
ARERR 44999
Your user permissions have been defined such that you can only view data for specific Companies. As such you are required to fill in the Company fieldin order to be able to see the CI record after it has been submitted. Please select a Company and re-apply.
ARERR 45000
You cannot create new approval detail records from this form.
ARERR 45001
You do not have global override capability for this entry.
ARERR 45002
The Modify All operation is not available for this form.
ARERR 45003
You do not have global override capability for this entry.
ARERR 45004
You cannot search on this form.
ARERR 45005
Please select a Person from the table and retry the operation.
ARERR 45006
The selected group is your default Support Group and cannot be deleted. Please select a different authoring group to delete.
ARERR 45007
Authoring Group not selected. Please select a group and press the "Delete" button.
ARERR 45009
The Problem Management Module must be installed in order for this function to work.
ARERR 45010
The Module that you have selected is not installed on this server.
ARERR 45011
Records cannot be created or modifed to have the company "- Global -". Please choose another company.
ARERR 45012
Select a Suite model/version to add the product to.
ARERR 45022
Not a valid Application Name. Select value from menu options.
ARERR 45023
You cannot use the Current Owner Assignment function on a new incident or while searching for an incident. Select a different type of group for assignment.
ARERR 45029
No groups are found using automated routing. You must select a group manually.
ARERR 45030
No groups were found using automated routing. You need to manually select a group.
ARERR 45031
No Groups can be found using automated routing. You need to manually select a group.
ARERR 45033
The Summary field is required before a task can be created.
ARERR 45034
Enter a valid country.
ARERR 45040
You have assigned the maximum number of permission groups to this person. Please remove permission groups that are not required before adding additional ones.
ARERR 45041
Unable to assign Fixed license. All Fixed licenses ($1000000114$) for '$240001002$' have been assigned.
ARERR 45042
Unable to assign a Floating license. There are no Floating licenses available for '$240001002$'.
ARERR 45044
You must be a member of the Purchasing User group to create a Purchase Requisition. Contact your Administrator to review your permissions.
ARERR 45075
This Change Request has at least one open task or task group in a previous phase. You must Close all children tasks in previous phases before changingthe status.
ARERR 45077
The value(s) for this entry violate a unique index that has been defined for this form
ARERR 45079
This flow template is being used in a Task Template or a Task Group Template. Remove it from the templates before deleting it.
ARERR 45083
Search Criteria fields must be filled in order to perform a Search.
ARERR 45084
The template has already been selected for this entry.
ARERR 45085
Company is required in order to create new task.
ARERR 45086
No templates available for this parent type.
ARERR 45087
Parent Application Object Name, Summary, and Company are required for creating task.
ARERR 45088
This parent has at least one open task or task group. Close all children task groups before changing the parent status to Closed.
ARERR 45092
Cannot change the status back to $1000000058$.
ARERR 45093
This task (or group) must be activated (from the parent) before it can be changed to the status: $7$ $10003018$
ARERR 45095
Sequence cannot be changed on Task or Task Group with Status = $7$
ARERR 45096
Assigned status requires either a group or individual assignee.
ARERR 45097
This task is already active and cannot be bypassed.
ARERR 45098
Invalid Status Reason for a Task Status of $7$.
ARERR 45099
Actual End Date must be greater than the Actual Start Date.
ARERR 45100
Scheduled End Date must be greater than the Scheduled Start Date.
ARERR 45101
Waiting status is for automatic tasks only. Use Pending for manual tasks.
ARERR 45102
Task Name, Summary, and Company are required for creating relationship.
ARERR 45103
Waiting status is for automatic tasks only. Use Pending for manual tasks.
ARERR 45104
Task Group Template "$10007305$" contains Task Group Template "$1000000058$", adding this association could cause the loop at runtime.
ARERR 45106
This Task Group Template is associated to another Task Group or a Parent Template. Remove the associations before deleting this entry.
ARERR 45109
This Task Template is associated to a Task Group or a Parent Template. Remove the associations before deleting this entry.
ARERR 45112
This variable template is being used in a Task Template, a Task Group Template or a Flow Template. Remove it from the templates before deleting it.
ARERR 45115
You need to go to Manage Inventory to move the CI out of Inventory.
ARERR 45117
The cost you are adding is a positive number, but the total amount is a negative number ($250402042$). You must specify a negative allocation amount.
ARERR 45118
The cost you are adding is a negative number, but the total amount is a positive number ($250402042$). You must specify a positive allocation amount.
ARERR 45120
Help has not been installed. For information about installing help, see the ITSM Installation Guide.
ARERR 45122
'Company' is a required field for this operation.
ARERR 45123
Please save the cost center prior to modifying child cost percentages.
ARERR 45135
Only members of the Problem Master, Problem User, or Problem Submitter permission groups can perform this action. Ask your administrator to review yourpermissions.
ARERR 45140
Only one 'Approval Phase' for '$1000000001$' can be set to use the 'Parent-Child' 'Process Type'
ARERR 45144
End Time must be greater than Activate Time.
ARERR 45145
The Actual Start Date and Actual End Date are required when closing a task. Please provide the Actual Dates before proceeding.
ARERR 45146
Enter Name, Summary and Company.
ARERR 45147
The Assignment Information is not valid. Please use the menus provided on the 'Assignee Organization' and 'Assignee Group' fields to select this information.
ARERR 45148
The Location Information is not valid. Use the menus on the Region, Site Group, and Site fields or the type ahead return function on the Site field to select this information.
ARERR 45149
The Requester Information is not valid. Please use the menus provided on the 'Organization' and 'Group Name' fields to select this information.
ARERR 45150
The Requester For Information is not valid. Please use the menus provided on the 'Organization' and 'Department' fields to select this information.
ARERR 45151
Enter Name, Summary and Company.
ARERR 45152
Enter Name and Company.
ARERR 45153
Invalid search criteria.
ARERR 45154
Enter the name of the person for whom you are acting as an alternate.
ARERR 45155
Enter the name of the person for whom you are performing an override. If you are attempting to perform an override for all individuals, please use theglobal override option.
ARERR 45156
Either you are not currently defined as an alternate for $13902$ or you must enter a Process to define which process you are working as an alternate forCheck the spelling of the name in the Alternate For field. If the value in the Alternate For field is correct, please contact your system administrator.
ARERR 45157
You are not currently defined as an alternate for $13902$. Check the spelling of the name in the User field. If the value in the User field is correct, please contact your system administrator.
ARERR 45158
The description field requies a value.
ARERR 45159
You do not have override capability.
ARERR 45160
You must enter a Process.
ARERR 45161
Change Management Dashboard is not licensed for use.
ARERR 45163
No Support Groups were found using Automated Routing. Please select a support group using the assignment menus.
ARERR 45169
There is already an entry with name "$10007100$" for company "$1000000001$" with this locale "$160$".
ARERR 45171
There is already an entry with name "$10007000$" for company "$1000000001$" with this locale "$160$".
ARERR 45172
There is already an entry with name "$8$" for company "$1000000001$" with this locale "$160$".
ARERR 45176
Please fill in all the required (bold) fields before pressing the add button.
ARERR 45177
Process Name is required when the 'Covering' field is set to $301306800$. Please select a Process Name and try again.
ARERR 45178
End Date must be greater than the Start Date. Please reselect the End Date and try again.
ARERR 45179
You cannot select the current person as an alternate approver to themselves. Please select another person and try again.
ARERR 45181
$13191$ is not a valid selection.
ARERR 45182
Status field is required. Please enter a value in the status field.
ARERR 45184
Select Record Type value first.
ARERR 45185
Select Quick Actions value first.
ARERR 45186
There are no active flows defined for this task group template. Define the expected runtime flow behavior or modify the task group template status to Potential or Inactive.
ARERR 45188
The Summary, Impact, and Urgency fields require an entry before you can submit a new problem investigation.
ARERR 45189
The Status Reason field requires an entry befory you can move this problem investigation forward.
ARERR 45192
The specified cost center is invalid.
ARERR 45193
The cost center code specified is invalid, please chose a cost center from the drop down menu.
ARERR 45194
The selected Change Coordinator is invalid. Reselect the Change Coordinator using the menu, then reapply.
ARERR 45236
You do not have permission to change this entry.
ARERR 45248
Please Fill in the following fields. Company, Work Info Module, Work Info type and Communication Type"
ARERR 45250
The Organization Company and Location Company must be the same when creating mapping records for the Incident Management Module. Please ensure that these are the same and re-apply.
ARERR 45252
Site, Country and City are required in order to create a Location. Please entry data within theses field and re-apply.
ARERR 45253
The Site you are trying to create already exists. Please enter a new Site name and re-apply.
ARERR 45256
Select atleast one row with appropriate status to perform the Approve action.
ARERR 45257
Select atleast one row with appropriate status to perform the Hold action.
ARERR 45258
Select atleast one row with appropriate status to perform the Reject action.
ARERR 45259
Select atleast one row with appropriate status to perform the Reassign action.
ARERR 45260
The Organization and Department you are trying to create already exists. Please enter a new Organization and Department and re-apply.
ARERR 45261
The Support Organization, Support Group Name and Support Group Role are required to be filled in, in order to create a Support Group. Please fill in these fields and re-apply.
ARERR 45262
The Support Group structure you are trying to create already exists. Please enter new Support Group information and re-apply.
ARERR 45263
Only members of the Authoring Group defined on this template can modify this entry.
ARERR 45265
The "Contact Location Admin" permission is required in order to perform this function. Advise your Administrator if you require this permission to be added to your profile.
ARERR 45266
The "Contact Organization Admin" permission is required in order to perform this function. Advise your Administrator if you require this permission tobe added to your profile.
ARERR 45267
One of the following four permissions; "Contact Organization Admin", "Contact Support Admin", "Contact People Admin" or "Contact People User" is required in order to perform this function. Advise your Administrator if you require this permission to be added to your profile.
ARERR 45268
You do not have access to print $301626700$ records.
ARERR 45269
You do not have access to print $301626700$ records.
ARERR 45270
You do not have access to print $301626700$ records.
ARERR 45271
You do not have access to print $301626700$ records.
ARERR 45272
You do not have access to print $301626700$ records.
ARERR 45274
Production and Sandbox cannot be the same.
ARERR 45276
Please fill in all the required fields and re-apply.
ARERR 45281
The incident number is required for this function to work. To generate an incident number, select a customer.
ARERR 45282
CIs and CI Unavailability cannot be related to your current CI from here. Please go to your current CI to relate to the Broadcasted CI or CI Unavailability (where applicable).
ARERR 45284
To create a task, a Problem Investigation ID is required. To generate one, press ENTER while in the Problem Investigation ID field.
ARERR 45286
To create a task, you need a Known Error ID. To generate one, press ENTER while the cursor is in the Known Error ID field.
ARERR 45287
To create a task, the Summary field requires an entry.
ARERR 45289
The password entered did not match. The people record was not created.
ARERR 45292
There are no associations defined for this Active task group template. Add some asociations or modify the task group template status to Potential or Inactive.
ARERR 45301
The field First Approver Field is required if the process type is ad-hoc or if the Allow Ad-hoc Next Approver? field is set to Anyone.
ARERR 45302
Select a CI from the table to view with the Relationship Viewer
ARERR 45305
This CI must be reconclied before adding any outage records. Please do a manual reconciliation, or run the Reconcliation Engine.
ARERR 45306
This CI must be reconclied before relating people. Please do a manual reconciliation, or run the Reconcliation Engine.
ARERR 45307
The CI must be reconclied before you can relate schedules. Please run a manual reconciliation, or run the reconciliation engine.
ARERR 45308
The CI must be reconclied before you can relate return reciepts. Please run a manual reconciliation, or run the reconciliation engine.
ARERR 45309
This CI must be reconclied before relating contracts. Please do a manual reconciliation, or run the Reconcliation Engine.
ARERR 45310
This CI must be reconclied before relating contracts. Please do a manual reconciliation, or run the Reconcliation Engine.
ARERR 45311
This CI must be reconclied before adding any impact records. Please do a manual reconciliation, or run the Reconcliation Engine.
ARERR 45312
This CI must be reconclied before adding any configurations. Please do a manual reconciliation, or run the Reconcliation Engine.
ARERR 45313
You cannot view an association of type "Asset Maintenance" from Change.
ARERR 45314
You cannot delete or modify an association of type "Asset Maintenance"
ARERR 45315
You can only add work info entries after CI has been reconciled. Please manually reconclie this CI or run the reconcliation engine.
ARERR 45328
Assignee Group is required
ARERR 45329
This cost center is part of an allocation and cannot be deleted.
ARERR 45331
Cannot delete this cost center, it is specified on one or more people records as an associated cost center.
ARERR 45349
A process must be selected if the Covering field is set to Specific Process.
ARERR 45350
You must be an AR System administrator or be a registered process administrator for all processes or for the specific process to which this record is tied.
ARERR 45351
The $12210$ workday schedule does not exist in the Business Time Workdays form.
ARERR 45353
The $21150$ workday schedule does not exist in the Business Time Workdays form.
ARERR 45354
The $21180$ workday schedule does not exist in the Business Time Workdays form.
ARERR 45355
The $21151$ holiday schedule does not exist in the Business Time Holidays form.
ARERR 45356
The $12211$ holiday schedule does not exist in the Business Time Holidays form.
ARERR 45359
You must be an AR System administrator or be a registered process administrator.
ARERR 45361
Please select a service request to view.
Showing AR messages: 44996 - 45361
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